Version 0.0.3
Coder's Note: I hate the password reset function and the check for
- existing apikeys (used in regAPI and resetAPI). I really
- have to get started on the frontend/endpoint and integrate
- into services (starting with Shortv4-2 - the -2 meaning
- complete rewrite of unpublished ShortV4 code to use the
- API by default, reverting to internal shorten code if API
- is not available)
This is really insecure... only checks for email address
Maybe I'll design a key generation and email thing
- (generate random pass, email to user, next login, change password)
- Or something. This is why I don't normally include a reset password
-- function
Remove addslashes for name cleaning
- That's something that should be done at the endpoint
Coder's Note: Sometimes I wish it was easier to write commit messages
from the commandline... Now I have a messy commit history x.x