Arctic Code 988dbd7eeb UnPS-GAMA API Third release - Not in usable production state
Version 0.0.3

Coder's Note: I hate the password reset function and the check for
	- existing apikeys (used in regAPI and resetAPI). I really
	- have to get started on the frontend/endpoint and integrate
	- into services (starting with Shortv4-2 - the -2 meaning
	- complete rewrite of unpublished ShortV4 code to use the
	- API by default, reverting to internal shorten code if API
	- is not available)
2013-07-24 22:10:27 -05:00
2013-07-24 21:34:05 -05:00
2013-07-19 22:31:45 -05:00
2013-07-18 17:26:53 -05:00
2013-07-24 19:14:48 -05:00

#UnPS-GAMA API Current Version: v0.0.3 - Not ready for production environment

This is my upcoming API for the services I provide.

Currently, the API supports ten functions: Shortening of links Deletion of shortened links Reporting of false negatives Uploading images Deleting images Editing images Register users Register API users Reset API key Reset user password

This implements the upcoming Shortv4 code (which includes deletion of short links with a password) and also implements ImgHostv6 code

API usage can only happen with a valid apikey (a 64 character long string), all transactions are logged for future analysys (either automatic or manual) The api.backend.php file does not attempt to sanatize imput, that must be done in api.frontend.php

TODO: Code the frontend Add API user creation Add future services Implement into services TEST the eight new functions

The Official API for UnPS-GAMATechnologies
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