worldclock added
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
ny_zone = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
gmt_zone = pytz.timezone('Etc/GMT')
gmt1_zone = pytz.timezone('Etc/GMT+1')
gmt2_zone = pytz.timezone('Etc/GMT+2')
gmt3_zone = pytz.timezone('Etc/GMT+3')
gmt4_zone = pytz.timezone('Etc/GMT+4')
ny_timezone = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
london_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/London')
tokyo_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')
au_timezone = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney')
dubai_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Dubai')
la_timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
cn_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai')
paris_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')
in_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')
auck_timezone = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland')
bang_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Bangkok')
istan_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Istanbul')
place_featuretitle = False
def getInput(Block=False):
@ -82,7 +100,7 @@ class StockTicker():
self.JSONs = {'Stocks': 'csv/stocks_settings.json', 'Crypto': 'csv/crypto_settings.json', 'Forex': 'csv/forex_settings.json', 'Jokes': 'csv/jokes_settings.json',
'Daily Forecast':'csv/daily_weather.json', 'Current Weather': 'csv/current_weather.json', 'Commodities':'csv/commodities_settings.json', 'Indices': 'csv/indices_settings.json',
'Sports (Team Stats)': 'csv/league_tables.json', 'Sports (Past Games)': 'csv/past_games.json', 'IPO Calendar': 'csv/ipo_settings.json', 'Economic Calendar': 'csv/economic_settings.json',
'Sports (Upcoming Games)': 'csv/upcoming_games.json', 'Sports (Live Games)': 'csv/live_games.json', 'Movies': 'csv/movie_settings.json', 'Clock 1': 'csv/clock1_settings.json', 'Clock 2': 'csv/clock2_settings.json',
'Sports (Upcoming Games)': 'csv/upcoming_games.json', 'Sports (Live Games)': 'csv/live_games.json', 'Movies': 'csv/movie_settings.json', 'Clock 1': 'csv/clock1_settings.json', 'Clock 2': 'csv/clock2_settings.json', 'World Clock': 'csv/worldclock_settings.json',
'News':'csv/news_settings.json', 'Custom Images': 'csv/image_settings.json', 'Custom GIFs': 'csv/GIF_settings.json', 'Custom Messages': 'csv/message_settings.json',
'Stocks Prof': 'csv/stocks_settings.json', 'Crypto Prof': 'csv/crypto_settings.json', 'Forex Prof': 'csv/forex_settings.json', 'Jokes Prof': 'csv/jokes_settings.json',
'Current Weather Prof': 'csv/current_weather.json', 'News Prof':'csv/news_settings.json', 'Commodities Prof':'csv/commodities_settings.json', 'Indices Prof': 'csv/indices_settings.json',
@ -361,8 +379,8 @@ class StockTicker():
elif options[i % len(options)] == 'Clock 2':
# elif options[i % len(options)] == 'World Clock':
# kill=self.showWorldclock()
elif options[i % len(options)] == 'World Clock':
animation = settings['animation'].lower()
@ -7344,7 +7362,7 @@ class StockTicker():
x_coordinate_time2 += x_coordinate_time
x_coordinate_date2 += x_coordinate_date
if transition == 'down':
if transition == 'up':
while y_coord_down < 0:
y_coord_down += 1
y_time_down -= 1
@ -7379,7 +7397,7 @@ class StockTicker():
if y_coord_down == 0:
if transition == 'up':
if transition == 'down':
while y_coord_up > 0:
y_coord_up -= 1
y_time_up += 1
@ -7596,7 +7614,7 @@ class StockTicker():
x_coordinate_date2 += x_coordinate_date
x_coordinate_time2 += x_coordinate_time
if transition == 'down':
if transition == 'up':
while y_coord_down < 0:
y_coord_down += 1
y_time_down -= 1
@ -7627,7 +7645,7 @@ class StockTicker():
if y_coord_down == 0:
if transition == 'up':
if transition == 'down':
while y_coord_up > 0:
y_coord_up -= 1
y_time_up += 1
@ -7734,6 +7752,839 @@ class StockTicker():
return kill
def showWorldclock(self):
canvas = self.double_buffer
with open('csv/worldclock_settings.json', 'r') as f:
worldclock_set = json.load(f)
worldclock_set1 = {"speed": "fast", "transition": "up", "pause": "20", "speed2": "fast"}
with open('csv/worldclock_settings.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(worldclock_set1, f)
worldclock_set = worldclock_set1
with open('clock_screensaver.json', 'r') as f:
settings = json.load(f)['world_clock']
settings1 = {"clock1": {"time_color": "White", "weekday_color": "Cyan", "date_color": "Blue", "timezone": "Etc/GMT+4", "display_seconds": True, "display_pm": True, "12hour": True, "brightness": "10"}, "clock2": {"time_color": "Orange", "date_color": "White", "timezone": "Etc/GMT+4", "display_seconds": True, "display_pm": True, "12hour": True, "brightness": "10"}, "world_clock": {"city_color": "White", "display_seconds": True, "display_pm": True, "12hour": True, "brightness": "10"}}
with open('clock_screensaver.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(settings1, f)
settings = settings1['world_clock']
font = graphics.Font()
city_colors = {
"White": graphics.Color(255,255,255),
"Red": graphics.Color(255, 0,0),
"Green": graphics.Color(0,255,0),
"Dark Green": graphics.Color(0, 100,0),
"Blue": graphics.Color(0,0,255),
"Purple": graphics.Color(145,0,255),
"Pink": graphics.Color(255,0,255),
"Yellow": graphics.Color(255,255,0),
"Orange": graphics.Color(255,130,0),
"Gold": graphics.Color(255,190,0),
"Gray": graphics.Color(100,100,100),
"Cyan": graphics.Color(0,255,255)
color = city_colors[settings['city_color']]
line_c = graphics.Color(50,50,50)
time_colors = {
"day": graphics.Color(255, 191, 0), # Orange color
"night": graphics.Color(0, 71,171), # Dark blue / purple color
def getTimes(timezone):
if settings['12hour']:
if settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%I:%M:%S %p")
elif settings['display_pm'] and not settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%I:%M %p")
elif not settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%I:%M:%S %p")
time ="%I:%M %p")
if settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%H:%M:%S %p")
elif settings['display_pm'] and not settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%H:%M %p")
elif not settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
time ="%H:%M:%S %p")
time ="%H:%M %p")
return time
def isDaytime(time):
if settings['12hour']:
hour = int(time.split(':')[0])
daytime_start_hour = 6
daytime_end_hour = 6
am_pm = time[-2:]
if (6 <= hour <= 11 and am_pm == 'AM') or (1 <= hour <= 6 and am_pm == 'PM') or (hour == 12 and am_pm == 'PM'):
return True
return False
hour = time.split(':')[0]
daytime_start_hour = 6
daytime_end_hour = 18
if daytime_start_hour <= int(hour) <= daytime_end_hour:
return True
return False
ny_timezone = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
london_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/London')
tokyo_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')
au_timezone = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney')
dubai_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Dubai')
la_timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
cn_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai')
paris_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')
in_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')
auck_timezone = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland')
bang_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Bangkok')
istan_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Istanbul')
pause = int(worldclock_set['pause'])
transition = worldclock_set['transition'].lower()
if worldclock_set['speed'].lower() == 'slow':
speed = 0.05
elif worldclock_set['speed'].lower() == 'medium':
speed = 0.02
speed = 0.01
counter = 0
counter2 = 0
time_offset = 0
y_coord_down = -32
y_time1_down = 40
y_time2_down = 51
y_time3_down = 62
y_line1_down = 42
y_line2_down = 53
y_coord_up = 32
y_time1_up = -24
y_time2_up = -13
y_time3_up = -2
y_line1_up = -22
y_line2_up = -11
if settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
x_offset = 72
elif settings['display_pm'] and not settings['display_seconds']:
x_offset = 87
elif not settings['display_pm'] and settings['display_seconds']:
x_offset = 87
x_offset = 102
x_coord_cont = 0
x_time = x_offset + 128
x_line = 128
x_city = 130
finalcount = 0
counter3 = 0
x_time_out = 0
x_line_out = 0
x_city_out = 0
time_offset2 = 0
while counter3 <= 130:
while counter2 <= (pause):
if transition == 'up':
while y_coord_down < 0:
y_coord_down += 1
y_time1_down -= 1
y_time2_down -= 1
y_time3_down -= 1
y_line1_down -= 1
y_line2_down -= 1
if 0 <= counter <= 5:
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
counter += 1
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
ny_time = ny_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
london_time = london_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
tokyo_time = tokyo_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_down, color, 'NEW YORK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_down, ny_color, ny_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_down, 128, y_line1_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_down, color, 'LONDON')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_down, london_color, london_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_down, 128, y_line2_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_down, color, 'TOKYO')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_down, tokyo_color, tokyo_time)
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 6 <= counter <= 11:
if counter == 6:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
counter += 1
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
au_time = au_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
dubai_time = dubai_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
la_time = la_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_down, au_color, au_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_down, color, 'SYDNEY')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_down, 128, y_line1_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_down, dubai_color, dubai_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_down, color, 'DUBAI')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_down, 128, y_line2_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_down, la_color, la_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_down, color, 'LOS ANGELES')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 12 <= counter <= 17:
if counter == 12:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
counter += 1
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
cn_time = cn_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
paris_time = paris_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
in_time = in_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_down, cn_color, cn_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_down, color, 'SHANGHAI')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_down, paris_color, paris_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_down, 128, y_line1_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_down, color, 'PARIS')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_down, in_color, in_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_down, 128, y_line2_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_down, color, 'MUMBAI')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 18 <= counter <= 23:
if counter == 18:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
counter += 1
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
auck_time = auck_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
bang_time = bang_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
istan_time = istan_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_down, auck_color, auck_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_down, color, 'AUCKLAND')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_down, bang_color, bang_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_down, 128, y_line1_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_down, color, 'BANGKOK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_down, istan_color, istan_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_down, 128, y_line2_down, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_down, color, 'ISTANBUL')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
if counter == 24:
counter = 0
time_offset += 1
if y_coord_down == 0:
if transition == 'down':
while y_coord_up > 0:
y_coord_up -= 1
y_time1_up += 1
y_time2_up += 1
y_time3_up += 1
y_line1_up += 1
y_line2_up += 1
if 0 <= counter <= 5:
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
counter += 1
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
ny_time = ny_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
london_time = london_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
tokyo_time = tokyo_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_up, color, 'NEW YORK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_up, ny_color, ny_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_up, 128, y_line1_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_up, color, 'LONDON')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_up, london_color, london_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_up, 128, y_line2_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_up, color, 'TOKYO')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_up, tokyo_color, tokyo_time)
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 6 <= counter <= 11:
if counter == 6:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
counter += 1
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
au_time = au_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
dubai_time = dubai_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
la_time = la_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_up, au_color, au_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_up, color, 'SYDNEY')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_up, 128, y_line1_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_up, dubai_color, dubai_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_up, color, 'DUBAI')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_up, 128, y_line2_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_up, la_color, la_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_up, color, 'LOS ANGELES')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 12 <= counter <= 17:
if counter == 12:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
counter += 1
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
cn_time = cn_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
paris_time = paris_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
in_time = in_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_up, cn_color, cn_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_up, color, 'SHANGHAI')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_up, paris_color, paris_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_up, 128, y_line1_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_up, color, 'PARIS')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_up, in_color, in_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_up, 128, y_line2_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_up, color, 'MUMBAI')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 18 <= counter <= 23:
if counter == 18:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
counter += 1
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
auck_time = auck_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
bang_time = bang_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
istan_time = istan_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time1_up, auck_color, auck_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time1_up, color, 'AUCKLAND')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time2_up, bang_color, bang_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line1_up, 128, y_line1_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time2_up, color, 'BANGKOK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, y_time3_up, istan_color, istan_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, y_line2_up, 128, y_line2_up, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, y_time3_up, color, 'ISTANBUL')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
if counter == 24:
counter = 0
time_offset += 1
if y_coord_up == 0:
if transition == 'continuous':
while x_coord_cont < 128:
x_coord_cont += 1
x_time -= 1
x_line -= 1
x_city -= 1
if 0 <= counter <= 5:
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
counter += 1
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
ny_time = ny_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
london_time = london_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
tokyo_time = tokyo_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 8, color, 'NEW YORK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 8, ny_color, ny_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 19, color, 'LONDON')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 19, london_color, london_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 30, color, 'TOKYO')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 30, tokyo_color, tokyo_time)
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 6 <= counter <= 11:
if counter == 6:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
counter += 1
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
au_time = au_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
dubai_time = dubai_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
la_time = la_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 8, au_color, au_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 8, color, 'SYDNEY')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 19, dubai_color, dubai_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 19, color, 'DUBAI')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 30, la_color, la_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 30, color, 'LOS ANGELES')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 12 <= counter <= 17:
if counter == 12:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
counter += 1
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
cn_time = cn_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
paris_time = paris_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
in_time = in_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 8, cn_color, cn_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 8, color, 'SHANGHAI')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 19, paris_color, paris_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 19, color, 'PARIS')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 30, in_color, in_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 30, color, 'MUMBAI')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 18 <= counter <= 23:
if counter == 18:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset % (1/speed) == 0:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
counter += 1
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
auck_time = auck_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
bang_time = bang_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
istan_time = istan_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 8, auck_color, auck_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 8, color, 'AUCKLAND')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 19, bang_color, bang_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 19, color, 'BANGKOK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_time, 30, istan_color, istan_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, x_line, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_city, 30, color, 'ISTANBUL')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
if counter == 24:
counter = 0
time_offset += 1
if x_coord_cont == 0:
if 0 <= counter <= 5:
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
ny_time = ny_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
london_time = london_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
tokyo_time = tokyo_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 8, color, 'NEW YORK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 8, ny_color, ny_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 19, color, 'LONDON')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 19, london_color, london_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 30, color, 'TOKYO')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 30, tokyo_color, tokyo_time)
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
counter += 1
elif 6 <= counter <= 11:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
au_time = au_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
dubai_time = dubai_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
la_time = la_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 8, au_color, au_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 8, color, 'SYDNEY')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 19, dubai_color, dubai_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 19, color, 'DUBAI')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 30, la_color, la_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 30, color, 'LOS ANGELES')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
counter += 1
elif 12 <= counter <= 17:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
cn_time = cn_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
paris_time = paris_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
in_time = in_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 8, cn_color, cn_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 8, color, 'SHANGHAI')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 19, paris_color, paris_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 19, color, 'PARIS')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 30, in_color, in_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 30, color, 'MUMBAI')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
counter += 1
elif 18 <= counter <= 23:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
auck_time = auck_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
bang_time = bang_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
istan_time = istan_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 8, auck_color, auck_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 8, color, 'AUCKLAND')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 19, bang_color, bang_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 19, color, 'BANGKOK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset, 30, istan_color, istan_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2, 30, color, 'ISTANBUL')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
counter += 1
if counter == 24:
counter = 0
counter2 += 1
if kill:break
if finalcount == 0:
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
finalcount += 1
if 0 <= counter <= 5:
if time_offset2 % (1/speed) == 0:
counter += 1
ny_time = getTimes(ny_timezone)
london_time = getTimes(london_timezone)
tokyo_time = getTimes(tokyo_timezone)
ny_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(ny_time) else time_colors['night']
london_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(london_time) else time_colors['night']
tokyo_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(tokyo_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
ny_time = ny_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
london_time = london_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
tokyo_time = tokyo_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 8, color, 'NEW YORK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 8, ny_color, ny_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128 + x_line_out, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 19, color, 'LONDON')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 19, london_color, london_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128 + x_line_out, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 30, color, 'TOKYO')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 30, tokyo_color, tokyo_time)
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 6 <= counter <= 11:
if counter == 6:
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset2 % (1/speed) == 0:
counter += 1
au_time = getTimes(au_timezone)
dubai_time = getTimes(dubai_timezone)
la_time = getTimes(la_timezone)
au_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(au_time) else time_colors['night']
dubai_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(dubai_time) else time_colors['night']
la_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(la_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
au_time = au_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
dubai_time = dubai_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
la_time = la_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 8, au_color, au_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 8, color, 'SYDNEY')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128 + x_line_out, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 19, dubai_color, dubai_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 19, color, 'DUBAI')
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128 + x_line_out, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 30, la_color, la_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 30, color, 'LOS ANGELES')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 12 <= counter <= 17:
if counter == 12:
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset2 % (1/speed) == 0:
counter += 1
cn_time = getTimes(cn_timezone)
paris_time = getTimes(paris_timezone)
in_time = getTimes(in_timezone)
cn_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(cn_time) else time_colors['night']
paris_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(paris_time) else time_colors['night']
in_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(in_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
cn_time = cn_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
paris_time = paris_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
in_time = in_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 8, cn_color, cn_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 8, color, 'SHANGHAI')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 19, paris_color, paris_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128 + x_line_out, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 19, color, 'PARIS')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 30, in_color, in_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128 + x_line_out, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 30, color, 'MUMBAI')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
elif 18 <= counter <= 23:
if counter == 18:
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if time_offset2 % (1/speed) == 0:
counter += 1
auck_time = getTimes(auck_timezone)
bang_time = getTimes(bang_timezone)
istan_time = getTimes(istan_timezone)
auck_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(auck_time) else time_colors['night']
bang_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(bang_time) else time_colors['night']
istan_color = time_colors['day'] if isDaytime(istan_time) else time_colors['night']
if not settings['display_pm']:
auck_time = auck_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
bang_time = bang_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
istan_time = istan_time.replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 8, auck_color, auck_time)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 8, color, 'AUCKLAND')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 19, bang_color, bang_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 10, 128 + x_line_out, 10, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 19, color, 'BANGKOK')
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, x_offset + x_time_out, 30, istan_color, istan_time)
graphics.DrawLine(canvas, 0, 21, 128 + x_line_out, 21, line_c)
graphics.DrawText(canvas, font, 2 + x_city_out, 30, color, 'ISTANBUL')
canvas = self.matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
if counter == 24:
counter = 0
time_offset2 += 1
x_city_out -= 1
x_time_out -= 1
x_line_out -= 1
counter3 += 1
if kill:break
return kill
def ip_viewer(self):
@ -7929,6 +8780,9 @@ class StockTicker():
elif msg == 'CL2':
self.scrollFunctionsAnimated(['clock2', 'clock2'],animation = 'traditional')
elif msg == 'WCL':
self.scrollFunctionsAnimated(['worldclock', 'worldclock'],animation = 'traditional')
elif msg == 'A': #everything
Reference in New Issue
Block a user