Use the util.authorize_api method

This commit is contained in:
David Todd 2018-04-24 19:55:20 -05:00
parent 6801160694
commit b15da78df1

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@ -33,32 +33,9 @@ def get_now_playing(sp):
except TypeError:
return "Nothing is playing"
def authorize_api(username, scope=None):
if not scope:
# Authorization Scope, can possibly be a dict?
scope = 'user-read-currently-playing'
print "[%.2fs] Authorizing %s with this auth scope: %s" % \
(time.time()-start_time, username, scope)
# The access token appears to expire around 2000ish seconds of use.
# Rerunning this and retrieving the callback url (with new token) will allow the script to continue
# Use HttpSimpleServer based auth if available (using c0de's spotipy for example)
if hasattr(util, 'obtain_token_localhost'):
token = util.obtain_token_localhost(username, scope)
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope)
if token:
# Authorize with the API
return spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
print "[%.2fs] Unable to authorize %s - Did they approve the oauth login?" % \
(time.time()-start_time, username)
sp = authorize_api(username)
sp = util.authorize_api(username, scope, 'server')
# Main loop
while True:
@ -69,7 +46,7 @@ while True:
print "[%.2fs] Access Token for %s Expired, reaquiring..." % \
(time.time()-start_time, username)
# Reauth and get the next now playing
sp = authorize_api(username)
sp = util.authorize_api(username, scope, 'server')
raise Exception(e)