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synced 2025-02-23 11:27:49 +00:00
This thing is just a big pain and isn't really needed, so I'm removing it. Really the options for getting the title or even the description involved downloading the whole file.
162 lines
7.2 KiB
162 lines
7.2 KiB
$catches = explode(":", $_SESSION['catch']);
$catchid = $catches[0];
$catchVal = $catches[1];
$seperator = "ᐖ"; // Chosen because it looks like a smiling face
// Returns will be in the structure: Message code / seperator / extra data and will be formatted client side
Message codes:
0 - Successful shorten
1 - Existing link found
2 - Dead link
3 - Database Error
4 - Sanitize failed
5 - Successful lob.li link resolve
6 - Successful lookup of non-lob.li link
7 - Unsuccessful lookup of non-lob.li link
8 - Lookup of link Stats (returns 8 $sep JSONarray)
$short = "";
$link = "";
$error = "";
$messages = array(
<div class=\"alert alert-success\" id=\"success\">
Your Resolved link: <a href=\"$link\">
<span class=\"longlink\">$link</span></a>
<a href=\"#\" id=\"copylink\" title=\"Copy Link\" onclick=\"copyToClipboard('$link');\">
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\" style=\"float:right;padding-right:1%;\"></span>
<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" id=\"warning\">
Your link: <a href=\"$link\">
<span class=\"longlink2\">$link</span></a> is not a lob.li link.<br> However we found that it has been shortened. <a href=\"http://lob.li/$short\" title=\"$title\">lob.li/$short</a>
<a href=\"#\" id=\"copylink\" title=\"Copy Link\" onclick=\"copyToClipboard('http://lob.li/$short');\">
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\" style=\"float:right;padding-right:1%;\"></span>
if(isset($_GET['resolve']) && !empty($_POST['link'])){
if(empty($_GET['token']) || $_GET['token'] != $_SESSION['token'] || empty($_POST[$catchid]) || $_POST[$catchid] != $catchVal){
die("<div id=\"danger\" class=\"alert alert-danger\">Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.<br />Please try again by using the form located at <a href=\"http://lob.li\">lob.li</a>.</div>");
$link = $_POST['link'];
$trTtl = $redis->ttl("links:$link");
if($trTtl == -2){ // Didn't find links:linkid, checking if long link
$trTtl = $redis->ttl("llinks:$link");
if($trTtl == -2){ // Didn't find that either, give error
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" id=\"warning\">
Your link: <a href=\"$link\">
<span class=\"longlink\">$link</span></a> is not a lob.li link and has not been shortened.
$short = $redis->lRange("links:$link", 0, 1);
print_r($short); exit;
if(!empty($_POST['link']) || !empty($_POST['linkage'])){
if(empty($_GET['token']) || $_GET['token'] != $_SESSION['token'] || empty($_POST[$catchid]) || $_POST[$catchid] != $catchVal){
die("<div id=\"danger\" class=\"alert alert-danger\">Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.<br />Please try again by using the form located at <a href=\"http://lob.li\">lob.li</a>.</div>");
//$short = sanitize($_POST['link'], $seperator);
$short = $_POST['link'];
$linkage = $_POST['linkage'];
//echo $short;
if(strpos($short, "http://") === false && strpos($short, "https://") === false){
$short = "http://$short";
$reShort = shorten($redis, $short, $linkage, $seperator);
$reShort = explode($seperator, $reShort);
$retCode = $reShort[0];
case "0": // Successful link Shorten
$short = $reShort[1];
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-success\" id=\"success\">
Your link: <a href=\"http://lob.li/$short\" target=\"lobli.$short\">lob.li/$short</a>
<a href=\"#\" id=\"copylink\" title=\"Copy Link\" onclick=\"copyToClipboard('http://lob.li/$short');\">
<!--<a href=\"#\" id=\"newlink\" title=\"New Link\"> This would require changing how I generate links, and I don't feel like doing it right now - 6/22/12 1:21am EST
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\" style=\"float:right;\"></span>
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\" style=\"float:right;padding-right:1%;\"></span>
case "1": // Existing Short Link Found
$short = $reShort[1];
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" id=\"warning\">
Existing link: <a href=\"http://lob.li/$short\" target=\"lobli.$short\">lob.li/$short</a>
<a href=\"#\" id=\"copylink\" title=\"Copy Link\" onclick=\"copyToClipboard('http://lob.li/$short');\">
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\" style=\"float:right;padding-right:1%;\"></span>
case "2": // Dead Link
$link = $reShort[1];
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" id=\"danger\">
ERROR! - Your link: <a href=\"$link\" target=\"$link\">$link</a> didn't resolve to a website. <br />Please check your link and try again.
case "3": // DB Error
$error = $reShort[1];
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" id=\"danger\">
ERROR! - Well this is embarrassing... This never happens, but I appear to have suffered a database error. <br />Here's what I know: $error
case "4": // Sanitize Failure Error
echo "
<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" id=\"danger\">
ERROR! - The sanitize function seems to have failed. This shouldn't happen, maybe <a href=\"mailto:c0de@unps.us\">c0de</a> forgot a semi-colon somewhere or something.
echo "<div id=\"danger\" class=\"alert alert-danger\">Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.<br />Please try again by using the form located at <a href=\"http://lob.li\">lob.li</a>.</div>";
//foreach($messages as $message){
// echo $message;
}else{ die("<div id=\"danger\" class=\"alert alert-danger\">I can't do my job if I'm not given a link to work on...</div>"); }