lpga and pga world rankings

This commit is contained in:
Justin 2023-05-09 16:18:55 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent bd630e9229
commit ea5fd4afb1
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -3196,7 +3196,6 @@ class StockTicker():
all_settings = json.load(f)
leagues_info = all_settings['leagues']
leagues = list(leagues_info.keys())
@ -3214,76 +3213,158 @@ class StockTicker():
img = Image.new('RGB', (10000, 32))
league_logo = Image.open('logos/sports/league_logos/{}.png'.format(league)).convert('RGB')
if league == 'PGA':
league_logo = Image.open('logos/sports/league_logos/pga_1.png').convert('RGB')
elif league == 'LPGA':
league_logo = Image.open('logos/sports/league_logos/lpga_1.png').convert('RGB')
league_logo = Image.open('logos/sports/league_logos/{}.png'.format(league)).convert('RGB')
img.paste(league_logo, (x_offset,0))
x_offset += league_logo.size[0] +self.blank.size[0]
team_info = leagues_info[league]
small_font = ImageFont.load("./fonts/5x7.pil")
med_font = ImageFont.load("./fonts/8x13B.pil")
large_font = ImageFont.load("./fonts/10x20.pil")
#if league =='NHL': # read the NHl info from the csv, prem will need this as well
sports_info = self.readSportsCSV(league) # gets colour and symbol info etc from csv
sports_info = self.readSportsCSV(league) # gets colour and symbol info etc from csv
buff_size = 20
for team in team_info:
if league == 'PGA' or league =='LPGA':
pga_font = ImageFont.load("./fonts/7x14.pil")
pga_small = ImageFont.load("./fonts/5x8.pil")
if league == 'PGA':
player_img = Image.open('logos/pga_rank/' + team['photo'].split('/')[-1].split('&')[0])
elif league == 'LPGA':
player_img = Image.open('logos/lpga_rank/' + team['photo'].split('/')[-1])
img.paste(player_img, (x_offset, 0), mask=player_img)
img.paste(player_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += player_img.size[0] + 2
x_offset2 = x_offset
if league == 'LPGA':
if str(abs(team['rank_change'])) != '-' and str(abs(team['rank_change'])) != '0':
if int(team['rank_change']) > 0:
rank_change_img = self.textImage(str(abs(team['rank_change'])), pga_font, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0)
elif int(team['rank_change']) < 0:
rank_change_img = self.textImage(str(abs(team['rank_change'])), pga_font, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0)
elif league == 'PGA':
if str(team['rank_change']) != '-':
if int(team['rank_change']) > 0:
rank_change_img = self.textImage(str(abs(int(team['rank_change']))), pga_font, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0)
elif int(team['rank_change']) < 0:
rank_change_img = self.textImage(str(abs(int(team['rank_change']))), pga_font, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0)
country_img = Image.open('logos/ufc_countries/' + team['country'].split('/')[-1].split('&')[0])
img.paste(country_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += country_img.size[0] + 2
rank_img = self.textImage('#' + str(team['rank']), pga_font, r = 255, g=255, b=0)
img.paste(rank_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += rank_img.size[0] + 2
name_img = self.textImage(team['first_name'].upper()[0] + '. ' + team['last_name'].upper(), pga_font, r= 255, g = 255, b = 255)
img.paste(name_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += name_img.size[0] + 5
if league == 'LPGA':
if str(abs(int(team['rank_change']))) != '-' and str(abs(int(team['rank_change']))) != '0':
x_offset = x_offset - 3
up_img = Image.open('logos/up-tiny.png')
down_img = Image.open('logos/down-tiny.png')
if int(team['rank_change']) > 0:
img.paste(up_img, (x_offset, 6))
x_offset += up_img.size[0] + 2
elif int(team['rank_change']) < 0:
img.paste(down_img, (x_offset, 6))
x_offset += down_img.size[0] + 2
img.paste(rank_change_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += rank_change_img.size[0] + 5
elif league == 'PGA':
if str(team['rank_change']) != '-':
x_offset = x_offset - 3
up_img = Image.open('logos/up-tiny.png')
down_img = Image.open('logos/down-tiny.png')
if int(team['rank_change']) > 0:
img.paste(up_img, (x_offset, 6))
x_offset += up_img.size[0] + 2
elif int(team['rank_change']) < 0:
img.paste(down_img, (x_offset, 6))
x_offset += down_img.size[0] + 2
img.paste(rank_change_img, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += rank_change_img.size[0] + 5
totalpts_img = self.textImage('Total:', pga_small, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255)
totalpts2_img = self.textImage(str(team['total_pts']), pga_small, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0)
img.paste(totalpts_img, (x_offset2, 14))
img.paste(totalpts2_img, (x_offset2 + totalpts_img.size[0] + 2, 14))
logo = Image.open('logos/sports/{}/{}'.format(league, sports_info[team['name']]['logo']))
avgpts_img = self.textImage('Avg:', pga_small, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255)
avgpts2_img = self.textImage(str(team['avg_pts']), pga_small, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255)
img.paste(avgpts_img, (x_offset2, 23))
img.paste(avgpts2_img, (x_offset2 + 2 + avgpts_img.size[0], 23))
events_img = self.textImage('Events:', pga_small, r= 255, g = 255, b = 255)
events2_img = self.textImage(str(team['events_played']), pga_small, r= 255, g = 128, b = 0)
img.paste(events_img, (x_offset2 + 10 + avgpts_img.size[0] + 2 + avgpts2_img.size[0], 23))
img.paste(events2_img, (x_offset2 + 10 + avgpts_img.size[0] + 2 + avgpts2_img.size[0] + 2 + events_img.size[0], 23))
ptsgained_img = self.textImage('+'+str(team['gained_pts']), pga_small, r=0, g= 255, b=0)
ptslost_img = self.textImage(str(team['lost_pts']), pga_small, r=255, g= 0, b=0)
img.paste(ptsgained_img, (x_offset2 + totalpts_img.size[0] + 2 + totalpts2_img.size[0] + 5, 14))
img.paste(ptslost_img, (x_offset2 + totalpts_img.size[0] + 2 + totalpts2_img.size[0] + 5 + ptsgained_img.size[0] + 3, 14))
x_offset2 += max(avgpts_img.size[0] + 2 + avgpts2_img.size[0] + 10 + events_img.size[0] + 2 + events2_img.size[0], totalpts_img.size[0] + 2 + totalpts2_img.size[0] + 5 + ptsgained_img.size[0] + 3 + ptslost_img.size[0])
x_offset2 += max(avgpts_img.size[0] + 2 + avgpts2_img.size[0] + 10 + events_img.size[0] + 2 + events2_img.size[0], 2 + totalpts_img.size[0] + totalpts2_img.size[0])
x_offset = max(x_offset, x_offset2) + 20
img.paste(logo, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += logo.size[0] + 2
except Exception as e:
# logf = open('log.txt', "a")
# exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
# fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
# logf.write(str(e))
# logf.write('. file: ' + fname)
# logf.write('. line: ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))
# logf.write('. type: ' + str(exc_type))
# logf.write('\n ' + "".join(traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])))
# logf.close()
logo = Image.open('logos/sports/{}/{}'.format(league, sports_info[team['name']]['logo']))
img.paste(logo, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += logo.size[0] + 2
except Exception as e:
name_timage = self.textImage(team['name'], med_font, r = 255, g = 255, b = 0)
wins_timage = self.textImage('Wins:' + str(team['wins']), small_font, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0)
loss_timage = self.textImage('Losses:' + str(team['loss']), small_font, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0)
draw_timage = self.textImage('Draws:' + str(team['draw']), small_font, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255)
standing_timage = self.textImage('Standing:' + str(team['standing']), small_font, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255)
name_timage = self.textImage(team['name'], med_font, r = 255, g = 255, b = 0)
wins_timage = self.textImage('Wins:' + str(team['wins']), small_font, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0)
loss_timage = self.textImage('Losses:' + str(team['loss']), small_font, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0)
draw_timage = self.textImage('Draws:' + str(team['draw']), small_font, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255)
#points_timage = self.textImage('Points:' + team['points'], small_font, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255)
standing_timage = self.textImage('Standing:' + str(team['standing']), small_font, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255)
img.paste(name_timage, (x_offset, -1))
img.paste(wins_timage, (x_offset, 12))
img.paste(loss_timage, (x_offset, 19))
img.paste(draw_timage, (x_offset, 26))
x_offset += max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0])
img.paste(standing_timage, (x_offset, 22))
x_offset += standing_timage.size[0]
img.paste(name_timage, (x_offset, -1))
img.paste(wins_timage, (x_offset, 12))
img.paste(loss_timage, (x_offset, 19))
img.paste(draw_timage, (x_offset, 26))
x_offset += max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0])
#img.paste(points_timage, (x_offset, 14))
img.paste(standing_timage, (x_offset, 22))
x_offset += standing_timage.size[0]
if name_timage.size[0] > max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0]) + standing_timage.size[0]:
x_offset += name_timage.size[0] - (max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0]) + standing_timage.size[0])
x_offset += buff_size
if name_timage.size[0] > max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0]) + standing_timage.size[0]:
x_offset += name_timage.size[0] - (max( wins_timage.size[0], loss_timage.size[0], draw_timage.size[0]) + standing_timage.size[0])
x_offset += buff_size
img = img.crop((0,0,x_offset ,32))
except Exception as e:
# logf = open('log.txt', "a")