Replace default vim with gvim (for X-clipboard support) Change some other settings gvim is allowed to be a floating window by default
- Optionally create ~/.dotfiles.postinst
bash <(curl -sL
( ????
- Profit
Distro auto-install
This feature will install the basic dependencies automatically if you approve at the prompt, assumes that you have sudo access.
These are pretty out of date like the dependencies list below. Your milage may vary if you choose to use the auto-install
Currently available for:
- Arch/Manjaro Linux (pacman+yay)
- Debian Linux (apt)
Dotfiles Postinstall
You may create a standard text file called .dotfiles.postinst
in your home directory before installing.
This file contains commands, one per line, that will be executed in order after the install script finishes.
For example, you may want to add commands such as git config --global "My Name"
and git config --global ""
Customizing Dotfiles
- Fork this repo
- Update
inside to point to your own - Make your changes
- Push to origin
- Install your new dotfiles everywhere
My dotfiles now include my personalized i3 configuration if you also run the i3wm. This is a bit outdated, so you can err on the side of caution and install other stuff as it's needed
- i3-gaps WM
- i3blocks i3bar scheduler
- i3lock-fancy locker
- rofi launcher
- Adobe's Source Code Pro font
- terminator terminal
- feh Image viewer/wallpaper
- xcompmgr Compisiton Manager (window transparency)
- maim Screenshot utility
- powerline
- ntfy for Desktop Notifications
Branch Info
This is the primary branch. It includes changes that should be included in most, if not all of the different configurations that may result of different system use.
For now, there are the master, macos and workpc branches.
The workpc branch contains a lot of configuration from a base Manjaro install