Update theme

Fixes some of the colors for backgrounds etc for darkmode
This commit is contained in:
David Todd 2021-02-19 16:29:15 -06:00
parent 4e7621a860
commit 2f68628e66
97 changed files with 4134 additions and 4134 deletions

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// main colors used in theme // main colors used in theme
// 1.0 < 1 will result in most cinnamon surfaces being transparent // 1.0 < 1 will result in most cinnamon surfaces being transparent
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// other colors used in the theme // other colors used in the theme
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@ -79,6 +79,6 @@ $info_bg_color: #91acd1;
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# Oomox GTK Theme (Numix Fork) # Oomox GTK Theme (Numix Fork)
gtk-color-scheme = gtk-color-scheme =
"base_color:#c6c8d1\nbg_color:#c6c8d1\ntooltip_bg_color:#c6c8d1\nselected_bg_color:#84a0c6\ntext_color:#161821\nfg_color:#161821\ntooltip_fg_color:#161821\nselected_fg_color:#d2d4de\nmenubar_bg_color:#161821\nmenubar_fg_color:#c6c8d1\ntoolbar_bg_color:#c6c8d1\ntoolbar_fg_color:#161821\nmenu_bg_color:#161821\nmenu_fg_color:#c6c8d1\npanel_bg_color:#c6c8d1\npanel_fg_color:#161821\nlink_color:#84a0c6\nbtn_bg_color:#6b7089\nbtn_fg_color:#c6c8d1\ntitlebar_bg_color:#161821\ntitlebar_fg_color:#c6c8d1\nprimary_caret_color:#161821\nsecondary_caret_color:#161821\naccent_bg_color:#84a0c6\n" "base_color:#161821\nbg_color:#1e202f\ntooltip_bg_color:#1e202f\nselected_bg_color:#84a0c6\ntext_color:#c6c8d1\nfg_color:#c6c8d1\ntooltip_fg_color:#c6c8d1\nselected_fg_color:#161821\nmenubar_bg_color:#161821\nmenubar_fg_color:#c6c8d1\ntoolbar_bg_color:#1e202f\ntoolbar_fg_color:#c6c8d1\nmenu_bg_color:#161821\nmenu_fg_color:#c6c8d1\npanel_bg_color:#1e202f\npanel_fg_color:#c6c8d1\nlink_color:#84a0c6\nbtn_bg_color:#161821\nbtn_fg_color:#c6c8d1\ntitlebar_bg_color:#161821\ntitlebar_fg_color:#c6c8d1\nprimary_caret_color:#84a0c6\nsecondary_caret_color:#84a0c6\naccent_bg_color:#84a0c6\n"
# Default Style # Default Style
style "murrine-default" { style "murrine-default" {

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