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synced 2025-02-05 13:26:30 +00:00
David Todd (c0de)
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This allows the user to change more variables without having to edit the script. Changes allowed: Assuming DHCP/Static IP on LANINT Assuming On/Off state for Windows Firewall Assuming Enabled/Disabled on WIFIINT
Quick Utility (Q) - A script that satisifes various IT needs Copyright 2015-2017 David Todd (c0de) c0de@c0defox.es License: MIT, Refer to LICENSE file for more information This script was born out of my need to constantly change IP addresses at work. I've slowly added more features as time goes on. This script is designed for Windows 7-10, but I have had success in running it as the Administrator under Windows XP. This script also runs fully interactive. In the future, I may wish to add non-interactive command-line parameters, but I have not implemented it.