2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
2015-01-09 19:56:22 +01:00
{% if article %}
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<!-- [if gt IE 8]><! --> < html lang = "{{ DEFAULT_LANG }}" class = "no-js" prefix = "og: http://ogp.me/ns#" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/BlogPosting" > <!-- <![endif] -->
{% elif page %}
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{% else %}
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<!-- [if gt IE 8]><! --> < html lang = "{{ DEFAULT_LANG }}" class = "no-js" prefix = "og: http://ogp.me/ns#" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/Blog" > <!-- <![endif] -->
{% endif %}
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< head >
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
< meta charset = "utf-8" >
< meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge" >
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" >
2017-12-03 17:26:55 +01:00
< base href = "{{ SITEURL }}/" > <!-- So that "images/" prefixed URLs are resolved in the same way in pages/ -->
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
< title > {% block title %}{{ SITENAME }}{% endblock %}< / title >
< meta name = "description" content = "{% block description %}{{ DESCRIPTION }}{% endblock %}" >
2019-05-28 00:00:19 -05:00
{% if FAVICON %}
< link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "{{ SITEURL }}/{{ FAVICON }}" type = "{{ FAVICON_TYPE|default('image/x-icon') }}" >
{% endif %}
2017-08-16 00:16:19 +02:00
< link href = "{{ SITEURL }}/{{ FEED_ALL_ATOM }}" type = "application/atom+xml" rel = "alternate" title = "{{ SITENAME }} ATOM Feed" >
2019-05-28 00:00:19 -05:00
2017-12-20 22:49:39 +01:00
{% block meta %}
{% endblock %}
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
< meta name = "author" content = "{{ AUTHOR }}" >
< meta name = "copyright" content = "{{ AUTHOR }}" >
2017-08-16 00:16:19 +02:00
< meta name = "twitter:card" content = "summary" >
< meta name = "twitter:site" content = "@{{ TWITTER_USERNAME }}" >
< meta property = "og:site_name" content = "{{ SITENAME }}" >
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
{% block seo %}
2017-08-16 00:16:19 +02:00
< meta property = "og:title" content = "{{ SITENAME }}" >
< meta property = "og:type" content = "website" >
< meta property = "og:url" content = "{{ SITEURL }}" >
< meta name = "twitter:url" content = "{{ SITEURL }}" >
< meta itemprop = "name" content = "{{ SITENAME }}" >
< meta itemprop = "url" content = "{{ SITEURL }}" >
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
2017-08-16 00:16:19 +02:00
< meta property = "og:description" content = "{{ DESCRIPTION }}" >
< meta name = "twitter:description" content = "{{ DESCRIPTION }}" >
< meta itemprop = "description" content = "{{ DESCRIPTION }}" >
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
{% endif %}
{% if META_IMAGE %}
2017-08-16 00:16:19 +02:00
< meta property = "og:image" content = "{{ META_IMAGE }}" >
< meta property = "og:image:type" content = "{{ META_IMAGE_TYPE }}" >
< meta name = "twitter:image" content = "{{ META_IMAGE }}" >
< meta itemprop = "image" content = "{{ META_IMAGE }}" >
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% if not DISABLE_SEARCH %}
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "{{ SITEURL }}/theme/csslibs/tipuesearch.css" >
{% endif %}
2019-05-28 20:05:27 -05:00
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "{{SITEURL}}/theme/bundle-SHORTSHA1-6553b95.css" >
2019-05-27 22:46:13 -05:00
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://pro.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.2/css/all.css" integrity = "sha384-xVVam1KS4+Qt2OrFa+VdRUoXygyKIuNWUUUBZYv+n27STsJ7oDOHJgfF0bNKLMJF" crossorigin = "anonymous" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< / head >
< body >
<!-- [if lt IE 7]>
2017-08-15 01:39:41 +02:00
< p class = "browsehappy" > You are using an < strong > outdated< / strong > browser. Please < a href = "http://browsehappy.com/" > upgrade your browser< / a > to improve your experience.< / p >
2015-01-01 21:06:34 +01:00
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< header class = "mg-header" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< div class = "mg-header-content uk-container" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< div >
2017-11-06 15:08:11 +01:00
< a class = "mg-brand" href = "{{ SITEURL }}" > {% block header_text %}{% if ALT_NAME %}{{ ALT_NAME }}{% else %}{{ SITENAME }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}< / a >
< div class = "mg-tagline" > {% if SITESUBTITLE %}{{ SITESUBTITLE }}{% endif %}< / div >
2017-08-14 03:08:27 +02:00
< / div >
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< ul class = "mg-skiplinks" >
2017-12-20 21:55:08 +01:00
{% if not DISABLE_SEARCH %}
2017-08-18 12:05:32 +02:00
< li > < a href = "#search-form" > Search form< / a > < / li >
2017-12-20 21:55:08 +01:00
{% endif %}
2017-08-18 12:05:32 +02:00
< / ul >
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< div class = "mg-header-extra" >
2017-08-14 22:18:28 +02:00
{% block header_extra %}
{% endblock %}
2017-08-14 03:08:27 +02:00
< / div >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< / div >
< / header >
2017-09-08 17:18:31 +02:00
< main class = "mg-main" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< div class = "uk-container " >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< div class = "uk-grid" uk-grid >
2015-11-23 18:09:35 +01:00
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
{% block content %}
2015-11-23 18:09:35 +01:00
{% endblock %}
2019-05-28 00:51:57 -05:00
< div role = "navigation" class = "uk-width-1-5@m" >
2015-11-23 18:09:35 +01:00
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% if not DISABLE_SEARCH %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< form class = "uk-search uk-search-default" action = "search.html" >
< input class = "uk-search-input tipue_search" type = "search" name = "q" id = "tipue_search_input" autocomplete = "off" placeholder = "Search..." >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
< / form >
2015-01-09 00:10:05 +01:00
< / div >
2015-11-07 11:43:39 -08:00
{% endif %}
2015-01-09 00:10:05 +01:00
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Categories< / h2 >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< ul class = "uk-nav uk-nav-default" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
{% for cat, _ in categories %}
< li { % if cat = = category % } class = "uk-active" { % endif % } > < a href = "{{ SITEURL }}/{{ cat.url }}" > {{ cat }}< / a > < / li >
{% endfor %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< li class = "uk-nav-divider" > < / li >
< li { % if page_name = = ' archives ' % } class = "uk-active" { % endif % } > < a href = "{{ SITEURL }}/archives.html" > Archives< / a > < / li >
2017-08-09 02:11:13 +02:00
{% endif %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
2017-08-15 15:26:47 +02:00
2019-05-28 20:09:38 -05:00
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Pages< / h2 >
< ul class = "uk-nav uk-nav-default" >
2017-01-31 12:01:43 -05:00
{% for p in pages %}
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< li { % if p = = page % } class = "uk-active" { % endif % } >
< a href = "{{ SITEURL }}/{{ p.url }}" > {{ p.title }}< / a >
< / li >
{% endfor %}
< / ul >
< / div >
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
{% endif %}
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% if SOCIAL %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Social< / h2 >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% for link_destination, link in SOCIAL %}
< a class = "mg-icon-link" href = "{{ link }}" title = "Link to my {{ link_destination }}" >
2019-05-28 20:05:27 -05:00
< i class = "fab fa-{{ link_destination }} social-link" aria-hidden = "true" > < / i >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
< / a >
{% endfor %}
< / div >
{% endif %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Syndication< / h2 >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< a rel = "alternate" type = "application/atom+xml" href = "{{ SITEURL }}/{{ FEED_ALL_ATOM }}" class = "mg-feed" > < i class = "fas fa-rss-square " > < / i > ATOM< / a >
{% if EXTRA_ATOM_FEED %}< a rel = "alternate" type = "application/atom+xml" href = "{{ EXTRA_ATOM_FEED['url'] }}" class = "mg-feed" > < i class = "fas fa-rss-square " > < / i > {{ EXTRA_ATOM_FEED['name'] }}< / a > {% endif %}
2019-05-27 22:43:32 -05:00
< / div >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% if AVATARS %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Avatars< / h2 >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% for img_uri in AVATARS %}
< img class = "mg-avatar" src = "{{ img_uri }}" alt = "An avatar I use on the web" title = "An avatar I use on the web" >
{% endfor %}
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% if READINGS %}
< a href = "{{ SITEURL }}/past_readings.html" >
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< h2 class = "uk-card-title" > Previous Entries< / h2 >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
< img class = "uk-thumbnail" src = "{{ READINGS[0]['img_url'] }}" alt = "{{ READINGS[0]['description'] }}" title = "{{ READINGS[0]['description'] }}" >
< / div >
< / a >
2017-08-15 15:26:47 +02:00
{% endif %}
2015-11-23 18:09:35 +01:00
2017-08-10 02:00:49 +02:00
{% if LINKS %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2019-05-28 00:28:30 -05:00
< h3 class = "uk-card-title" > Blogroll< / h3 >
< ul class = "uk-nav uk-nav-default" >
2017-08-10 02:00:49 +02:00
{% for text, url in LINKS %}
< li > < a href = "{{ url }}" > {{ text }}< / a > < / li >
{% endfor %}
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% if SUPPORTS %}
2019-05-28 20:00:29 -05:00
< div class = "uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-small" >
2017-08-10 02:00:49 +02:00
{% for name, link, logo_url, title in SUPPORTS %}
< a href = "{{ link }}" >
< img class = "mg-support-logo" src = "{{ logo_url }}" alt = "Logo {{ name }}" title = "{{ title }}" >
< / a >
{% endfor %}
< / div >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
{% endif %}
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / main >
2017-09-08 17:19:36 +02:00
< footer class = "mg-footer" >
2019-05-28 18:56:07 -05:00
< div class = "uk-container uk-text-center" >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< div class = "mg-author uk-panel" >
2019-05-27 23:20:54 -05:00
< p > Powered by < a href = "http://blog.getpelican.com" > Pelican< / a > . Theme < a href = "https://github.com/alopexc0de/pelican-mg" > mg< / a > based on work by < a href = "https://github.com/lucachr" > Luca Chiricozzi< / a > < / p >
2019-05-28 18:56:07 -05:00
< p > {{ FOOTER }}< / p >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< / div >
2015-11-23 18:09:35 +01:00
< / div >
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< / footer >
2019-05-28 00:10:27 -05:00
< script src = "{{SITEURL}}/theme/bundle-SHARE-{{SHARE|string|first|length|string|first}}-MG_FILTER_TAGS-{{MG_FILTER_TAGS|string|first|length|string|first}}-SHORTSHA1-d853ca5.js" > < / script >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% if not DISABLE_SEARCH %}
2019-05-28 00:07:25 -05:00
< script src = "{{ SITEURL }}/theme/jslibs/tipuesearch_set.js" > < / script >
< script src = "{{ SITEURL }}/theme/jslibs/tipuesearch.js" > < / script >
2019-05-27 22:12:23 -05:00
{% endif %}
2014-12-29 23:08:56 +01:00
< / body >
< / html >