
New Design (Again)

So yeah. It's only day 3 of not having internet, but I felt like changing everything again. The 3 coloum fluid design is out the window since I can't figure out what to put on the left side other than user controls and those can go on the right side just fine. So I'm going to be using Pyrmont v2 that I made some modifications to. This design feels great. Also new header image :D - I really like the blue fire matrix thing that it has going on... (Click title or here to read full post)


New Project Repo thingy

I've created something of a project repo. This will be where I test a lot of things before I commit them. Some directories will be password protected to have a closed beta for some people. Anything not protected, unless otherwise stated in the comments, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/


Site Updates

Our new updated image host, which can be found at IMGShare, is one of our recent changes. Others include a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Offical Domain Launch

We have officially launched with an actual domain name! In the next few days you'll also see some changes to this site, hopefully for the better. I have been hard at work setting up an email system, and it has caused a lot of grief. If you see webmail one day, then great, I managed to get the mysql working with postfix and whatever I choose to use for webmail. Registration is, as always going to be free. I am also currently adding mysql to other sections of my site, and I'm debating on requiring user login for uploading files and pictures. I have added a privacy policy Here. So have fun with that.

Hello and welcome to the newly designed UnPS-GAMA website! The past week has mainly been spent upgrading my image share system, and it is nearly at completion. I have been absolutly dreading redesiging this page, but I decided today, September 13th 2012 at 1500 EST, that I would finally get to work. I decided to start more from scratch and pull in the things that I wanted. Currently this is beta and not every page is done with formatting. Pages that I'm happy with for now (aside for not having CSS2 or XHTML1 compliance) are the 404 page, and pretty much anything with the image host. Pages that I need to work on are the upload, contact us, and about pages so far. As of now, they'll just redirect to the 404 page until I get to them.
As I have placement tests for college today, I am trying to get as much done as I can before then, but it could be unlikely that I get the page uploaded and live until then. I got it uploaded and debugged quickly. There are some alignment issues but good otherwise. Updates soon to follow.