Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.
Please try again by using the form located at http://unps.us."); } require('../api/api.backend.php'); require('../api/dbsettings.php'); $key = '9a211e90b0a0570ed33e47428231e702af47b6f54fb347960f661184e063a1d0'; // KEEP THIS PRIVATE! This is the only thing that authenticates the application function sanitize($input){ if ($input == null) die("
Sanatize() - No Input Provided, Aborting
"); include('../api/dbsettings.php'); $output = strip_tags($input); $output = stripslashes($output); $output = $apidb->real_escape_string($output); return $output; } $unpsAPI = new api(); if(!empty($_POST['link']) && !empty($_POST['linkmod'])){ switch ($_POST['linkmod']){ case "shorten": $short = sanitize($_POST['link']); if(strpos($short, "http://") === false && strpos($short, "https://") === false){ $short = "http://$short"; } echo $unpsAPI->shorten($apidb, $key, $shortdb, $short); break; case "dellink": if(empty($_POST['password'])) die("
Something went wrong somewhere, but there's no password here
"); $link = sanitize($_POST['link']); $password = sanitize($_POST['password']); $link = explode("=", $link); if(count($link) != 2){ die("
I'm sorry, but something went wrong... did you paste the whole link?
"); } $link = $link[1]; echo $unpsAPI->delShort($apidb, $key, $shortdb, $link, $password); break; case "replink": if(empty($_POST['report-details'])) die("
Something went wrong somewhere, but I can't find the reason for reporting this link
"); $link = sanitize($_POST['link']); $details = sanitize($_POST['report-details']); echo $unpsAPI->reportLink($apidb, $key, $shortdb, $link, $details); break; default: die("
I don't know what you want to do... [-Check linkmod-]
"); } }else{ die("
I can't do my job if I'm not given a link to work on...
"); } ?>