chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(function(command){ // Keyboard shortcut trigger - Shorten current tab if(command == "shortenTab"){ chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs){ var current = tabs[0] shortenTabURL(; }); } }); chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab){ // Shorten current tab when lobli icon pressed chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs){ var current = tabs[0] shortenTabURL(; }); }); function showAlert(text){ var opt ={ type: "basic", title: " Chrome", message: text, iconUrl: "../icons/lobli-128.png" } chrome.notifications.create('lobli-cr', opt, function(id){}); } function copyToClipboard(text){ var clipboard = document.getElementById("clipboard"); clipboard.value = text; clipboard.focus();; document.execCommand("copy"); } function testURL(s) { // Stolen from since I suck at RegExp - Returns true(bool) on good looking link var regexp = /(http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/; return regexp.test(s); } function shortenTabURL(tabid){ // Use just a tab id to shorten its url chrome.tabs.get(tabid, function(tab){ shortenURL(tab.url); }); } function shortenURL(url){ // Creates a short url and copies it to clipboard if(testURL(url)){ sendAPIRequest("shorten&url=" + url, function(req){ var res = req.responseText.trim(); switch(res){ case "dead": showAlert("Apparently the link is dead..."); break; case "db": showAlert("I got a database error!"); break; case "Error": showAlert("General Error."); break; default: copyToClipboard("" + res); showAlert("Link shortened. Short link copied to clipboard!"); break; } }); } } function resolveURL(url){ // For when/if I decide to add the ability to resolve links through the extension if(testURL(url)){ sendAPIRequest("resolve&url=" + url, function(req){ var res = req.responseText.trim(); copyToClipboard(res); showAlert("Link Resolved!\n" + res); }); } } function sendAPIRequest(url, callback){ // Sends a GET request to the server, response is expected to be text and only short id, or resolved link var method = "GET"; var req = new XMLHttpRequest();, "" + url, true); req.onload = function(){ callback(req); }; req.send(); }