Your Resolved link: $link ", "
Your link: $link is not a link.
However we found that it has been shortened.$short
", "
Your link: $link is not a link and has not been shortened.
" ); require('Include/PHP/functions.php'); if(!isset($_GET['getstats'])){ $stats = stats($redis, $seperator); $stats = explode($seperator, $stats); if(!empty($_GET['type'])){ if($_GET['type'] == "htmltable"){ foreach($stats as $stat){ // There should only be 5, but the page doesn't limit how many $id = explode(":", $stat); $id = $id[2]; // Grab just the short link ID $linkData = $redis->lRange("links:$id", 0, -1); $link = $linkData[0]; $title = $linkData[1]; $date = $linkData[2]; $trackClicks = $redis->get("tracking:clicks:$id"); echo " $id $link $trackClicks $date "; } }elseif($_GET['type'] == "json"){ echo $stats[1]; exit; }else{ die("ERROR: Wrong type. I accept htmltable or json as my type
htmltable will send the partial table that loads on, json outputs raw json array"); } } } if(!empty($_POST['link']) && !empty($_POST['linkage'])){ if(empty($_GET['token']) || $_GET['token'] != $_SESSION['token'] || empty($_POST[$catchid]) || $_POST[$catchid] != $catchVal){ die("
Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.
Please try again by using the form located at
"); } //$short = sanitize($_POST['link'], $seperator); $short = $_POST['link']; $linkage = $_POST['linkage']; //echo $short; if(strpos($short, "http://") === false && strpos($short, "https://") === false){ $short = "http://$short"; } echo shorten($redis, $short, $linkage, $seperator); $reShort = shorten($redis, $short, $linkage, $seperator); $reShort = explode($seperator, $reShort); $retCode = $reShort[0]; switch($retCode){ case "0": // Successful link Shorten $short = $reShort[1]; $title = $reShort[2]; echo "
Your link:$short
"; break; case "1": // Existing Short Link Found $short = $reShort[1]; $title = $reShort[2]; echo "
Existing link:$short
"; break; case "2": // Dead Link $link = $reShort[1]; echo "
ERROR! - Your link: $link didn't resolve to a website.
Please check your link and try again.
"; break; case "3": // DB Error $error = $reShort[1]; echo "
ERROR! - Well this is embarrassing... This never happens, but I appear to have suffered a database error.
Here's what I know: $error
"; break; case "4": // Sanitize Failure Error echo "
ERROR! - The sanitize function seems to have failed. This shouldn't happen, maybe c0de forgot a semi-colon somewhere or something.
"; break; default: echo "
Oh Noes! Something happened and I can't continue.
Please try again by using the form located at
"; break; } exit; //foreach($messages as $message){ // echo $message; //} }else{ die("
I can't do my job if I'm not given a link to work on...
"); } ?>