query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$canshort = $row['short'];
$name = $row['name'];
$apisql = "INSERT INTO `apiuse` (time, name, apikey, ip, type, allowed, misc) VALUES (NOW(), '$name', '$apikey', '$ip', 'Link Shorten', '$canshort', '$link')";
if(!$result = $apidb->query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($canshort != 1) return '
else: return '
ERROR: ['.$sdb->error.']
function delShort ($apidb, $apikey, $sdb, $link, $dpass=null){
$apisql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `key` = '$apikey' LIMIT 1";
if(!$result = $apidb->query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$canshort = $row['short'];
$name = $row['name'];
$apisql = "INSERT INTO `apiuse` (time, name, apikey, ip, type, allowed, misc) VALUES (NOW(), '$name', '$apikey', '$ip', 'Short Link Delete', '$canshort', '$link')";
if(!$result = $apidb->query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($canshort != 1) return '
You are not authorized to delete short links
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `shortlink` = '$link' LIMIT 1;";
if($result = $sdb->query($sql)){
if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$short = $row['shortlink'];
$password = $row['dpass'];
if($dpass != null) $apikey = $dpass;
if($apikey == $password){
$sql = "DELETE FROM `links` WHERE `shortlink` = '$link' AND `dpass` = '$apikey' LIMIT 1;";
if(!$result = $sdb->query($sql)) return '
ERROR: ['.$sdb->error.'
echo "
Deleted: $link
}else{ return "
The password doesn't match. Delete $link aborted!
"; }
}else{ return '
ERROR: ['.$sdb->error.']
'; }
function reportLink($apidb, $apikey, $sdb, $link, $reason){
$apisql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `key` = '$apikey' LIMIT 1;";
if(!$result = $apidb->query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$canshort = $row['short'];
$name = $row['name'];
$apisql = "INSERT INTO `apiuse` (time, name, apikey, ip, type, allowed, misc) VALUES (NOW(), '$name', '$apikey', '$ip', 'Report Link', '$canshort', '$link')";
if(!$result = $apidb->query($apisql)) return 'ERROR: ['.$apidb->error.']';
if($canshort != 1) return '
You are not authorized to shorten links, meaning you also can\'t report false negatives
$sql = "INSERT INTO `manual` (time, apikey, ip, link, reason) VALUES(NOW(), '$apikey', '$ip', '$link', '$reason');";
if(!$result = $sdb->query($sql)) return '
ERROR: ['.$sdb->error.']
return "
Reported $link. Please check back in a day or two
// End Short