#!/usr/bin/env python3 # GenThumb.py - Part of the simple s3 gallery # Usage: ./GenThumb.py from pathlib import Path import getopt import sys import os # Set these to override baseuri = os.environ.get('BASEURI',"https://s3.wasabisys.com/c0de-photography/") thumb_path = os.environ.get('THUMBNAILS', "./thumbs") # Load templates into memory gallery_template = open('templates/root_gallery.html', 'r').read() card_template = open('templates/card.html', 'r').read() # Get all the index files in local directory indexlist = list(Path(".").rglob("index_*.html")) with open('gallery.html', 'w') as gallery: thumbrow = "" for index in indexlist: the_template = card_template # Don't mutate the source # basic string replacements the_template = the_template.replace("{{FULLLINK}}", index.name) the_template = the_template.replace("{{TITLE}}", index.name.strip("index_").strip(".html").replace(":", "/")) thumbrow += the_template.replace("{{THUMBNAIL}}", "thumbs/folder.png") gallery.write(gallery_template.replace("{{THUMBROW}}", thumbrow))