{% if this.headline and this.headline|length >= 1 and not this.title %}
{{ this.headline }} {% if gallery.reactions_enabled|default(False) %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {{ this.alt_text if this.alt_text else this.title }} {% if this.description and this.description|length >= 1 %}
{% if this.title and this.title|length >= 1 %}
{{ this.title }}
{% if this.subtitle and this.subtitle|length >= 1 %}
{{ this.subtitle }}
{% endif %} {% if gallery.reactions_enabled|default(False) %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ this.description }}

{% if this.subtext and this.subtext|length >= 1 %}

{{ this.subtext }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# Don't render reaction section if disabled or max reactions are zero (or less) #} {% if gallery.reactions_enabled|default(False) or gallery.max_reactions_per_card|int <= 0 %} {% include 'card_reaction_section.html' %} {% endif %}