# proxmox-ansible Ansible playbooks to manage proxmox in a variety of ways ## Requirements 1. Linux (or WSL) or Mac 1. Python 3 ## Getting Started 1. Clone this repository: `git clone https://c0de.dev/c0de/proxmox-ansible` 1. Enter this repository: `cd proxmox-ansible` 1. Create a Python virtual environment: `python3 -m venv .venv` 1. Activate the virtual environment: `source .venv/bin/activate` 1. (Optional) Upgrade pip: `pip3 install --upgrade pip` 1. Install requirements: `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` 1. Install Ansible General Community Collection: `ansible-galaxy collection install community.general` - _Note: This might already be installed._ ## Running Playbooks 1. Enter the playbook directory: `cd playbooks` 1. Run `./play.sh .yml` - The script will record a log of the output, as well as timing information in [logs](./logs)