Ticker is shutting down / rebooting / resetting. Refresh web page when ticker is booted up again.
Hostname: {{ general_settings.hostname }}.local:1024 Scheduled Shutdown: {{ scheduler_settings.shutdown.hour }}:{{scheduler_settings.shutdown.minute}} {{scheduler_settings.timezone}} Enabled:{{scheduler_settings.shutdown.enabled}} Scheduled Reboot: {{ scheduler_settings.reboot.hour }}:{{scheduler_settings.reboot.minute}} {{scheduler_settings.timezone}} Enabled:{{scheduler_settings.reboot.enabled}} Scheduled Brightness: {% if scheduler_settings.brightness1.enabled or scheduler_settings.brightness2.enabled or scheduler_settings.brightness3.enabled or scheduler_settings.brightness4.enabled %}Enabled {% else %}Disabled{% endif %}
Version 1.3.7
Updating, please do not shutdown the ticker or disconnect from Wi-Fi. Refresh the web panel once the ticker is rebooted!
Joining Wi-Fi, please restart the ticker.
Selected Format:
Shutdowns (Daily):
Reboots (Daily):
Brightness 1 (Daily):
Brightness 2 (Daily):
Brightness 3 (Daily):
Brightness 4 (Daily):
Stock Position Updated!
New movies API key detected, please restart the ticker in order for the feature to work properly.
New IPO Calendar API key detected, please restart the ticker in order for the feature to work properly.
Message Updated!