Stock Ticker Control Panel

Set the speed the image scrolls across the screen (s, m of f for slow, medium or fast)

Set the brightness, an integer between 1 and 10, higher is brighter

Display scrolling text. Enter the message followed by the rgb values seperated by commas. e.g. hello world!,255,255,0

Set news search settings. keyword,category,country e.g. bitcoin,business,us

Set weather location, enter city name e.g. London

Display a image or gif

Tickers to display

To change the tickers displayed please upload a CSV (comma separated value) file with 11 tickers on each row e.g




Upload logo images (e.g "TICKER.png") or change the default images here

1) logos must be 32px in height and can be any width

2) "blank.png" is the space between stocks, default of 10x32px

3) "default.png" is the default logo to be used if no logo can be found

4) arrows (up/down.png) must be 16x14px