# Configuration for D-Menu (I use rofi mostly, this is usually forgotten about) ## define the font for dmenu to be used DMENU_FN="Source Code Pro Semibold 10.5" ## background colour for unselected menu-items DMENU_NB="#6b7089" ## textcolour for unselected menu-items DMENU_NF="#c6c8d1" ## background colour for selected menu-items DMENU_SB="#89b8c2" ## textcolour for selected menu-items DMENU_SF="#161821" ## command for the terminal application to be used: TERMINAL_CMD="terminal -e" ## export our variables DMENU_OPTIONS="-fn $DMENU_FN -nb $DMENU_NB -nf $DMENU_NF -sf $DMENU_SF -sb $DMENU_SB"