# i3blocks config file # # Please see man i3blocks for a complete reference! # The man page is also hosted at http://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # # List of valid properties: # # align # color # command # full_text # instance # interval # label # min_width # name # separator # separator_block_width # short_text # signal # urgent # Global properties # # The top properties below are applied to every block, but can be overridden. # Each block command defaults to the script name to avoid boilerplate. command=/usr/lib/i3blocks/$BLOCK_NAME separator_block_width=15 markup=pango # Volume indicator # # The first parameter sets the step (and units to display) # The second parameter overrides the mixer selection # See the script for details. [volume] #label=VOL label=♪ instance=Master #instance=PCM interval=once signal=10 # Disk usage # # The directory defaults to $HOME if the instance is not specified. # The script may be called with a optional argument to set the alert # (defaults to 10 for 10%). #[disk] #label=HOME #instance=/mnt/data #interval=30 # Memory usage # # The type defaults to "mem" if the instance is not specified. [memory] label= separator=false interval=30 #[memory] #label=SWAP #instance=swap #separator=false #interval=30 # CPU usage # # The script may be called with -w and -c switches to specify thresholds, # see the script for details. [cpu_usage] label= interval=10 #min_width= 100.00% separator=false [load_average] label= interval=60 separator=false # Temperature # # Support multiple chips, though lm-sensors. # The script may be called with -w and -c switches to specify thresholds, # see the script for details. [temperature] label= interval=30 # Network interface monitoring # # If the instance is not specified, use the interface used for default route. # The address can be forced to IPv4 or IPv6 with -4 or -6 switches. #[iface] #instance=wlan0 #color=#00FF00 #interval=10 #separator=false #[wifi] #instance=wlp3s0 #interval=50 #separator=false [bandwidth] label= instance=enp3s0 interval=5 # Battery indicator # # The battery instance defaults to 0. #[battery] #label=BAT #label=⚡ #label=🔋 #instance=1 #interval=30 # Date Time # [time] #label= #command=date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M' #command=date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' #interval=59 label= command=date '+%a, %d %b %H:%M' interval=5 # Generic media player support # # This displays "ARTIST - SONG" if a music is playing. # Supported players are: spotify, vlc, audacious, xmms2, mplayer, and others. [mediaplayer] instance=spotify interval=33 signal=10 # OpenVPN support # # Support multiple VPN, with colors. #[openvpn] #interval=20 # Key indicators # # Add the following bindings to i3 config file: # # bindsym --release Caps_Lock exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+11 i3blocks # bindsym --release Num_Lock exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+11 i3blocks #[keyindicator] #instance=CAPS #interval=once #signal=11 #[keyindicator] #instance=NUM #interval=once #signal=11