#!/usr/bin/env bash # This ensures that the entire script is downloaded before execution { # Change this url to point to your repo if you made customizations repourl="git://github.com/alopexc0de/dotfiles.git" # Exit the script if any errors are encountered #set -e basedir=$HOME/dotfiles bindir=$HOME/bin postinst=$HOME/.dotfiles.postinst # Attempts to safely install the configs as symlinks (backing up existing ones) function symlink() { src=$1 dest=$2 if [ -e $dest ]; then if [ -L $dest ]; then # Already symlinked -- I'll assume correctly. return else # Rename files with a ".old" extension. echo "$dest already exists, renaming to $dest.old" backup=$dest.old if [ -e $backup ]; then echo "Error: $backup already exists. Please delete or rename it." exit 1 fi mv -v $dest $backup fi fi echo "Linking $(basename $src)..." ln -sf $src $dest } read -p "Press enter to install my dotfiles " WAIT_FOR_INPUT if ! which git >>/dev/null ; then echo "Error: git is not installed" exit 1 fi # If the update script exists, try to do a normal update if [ -x "$basedir/check_for_upgrade.sh" ]; then source "$basedir/shell/env" env _DOTFILES=$basedir DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT='FALSE' zsh -f $basedir/check_for_upgrade.sh else echo "Cloning dotfiles to $basedir" rm -rf $basedir git clone --depth=1 $repourl $basedir fi # Start installing config echo "Installing Oh-My-ZSH" echo "When the install is done, type `exit` to continue installing dotfiles" sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" echo "Creating Symlinks..." symlink $basedir/shell/zshrc $HOME/.zshrc symlink $basedir/shell/bashrc $HOME/.bashrc symlink $basedir/tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.conf symlink $basedir/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc symlink $basedir/gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig symlink $basedir/Xresources $HOME/.Xresources echo "Installing VIM Pathogen..." mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/autoload $HOME/.vim/bundle curl -LSso $HOME/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim echo "Installing VIM Sensible..." cd $HOME/.vim/bundle git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git echo "Adding user bin..." mkdir -p $bindir $basedir/.bin for path in bin/* ; do symlink $basedir/$path $bindir/$(basename $path) done echo "Changing default shell to ZSH..." chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh # Install i3 config echo "Installing i3 configuration" mkdir -p $HOME/.config/i3 mkdir -p $HOME/.i3 symlink $basedir/i3/config $HOME/.config/i3/config symlink $basedir/i3/i3blocks.conf $HOME/.i3/i3blocks.conf symlink $basedir/i3/wallpaper.sh $Home/.i3/wallpaper.sh symlink $basedir/i3/compton.conf $HOME/.compton.conf if [ -e "$postinst" ]; then echo "Running post install..." source "$postinst" else echo "No post install script found. Optionally create one at $postinst and reinstall your dotfies" fi echo "Install done." echo "Check tmux, vim, and your shell to verify everything is correct" echo "you may need to launch a new instance of your shell" } # Ensures that the whole script is downloaded before execution