#!/usr/bin/env bash # This ensures that the entire script is downloaded before execution { if ! which git >>/dev/null ; then echo "Error: git is not installed" exit 1 fi # Exit the script if any errors are encountered #set -e # Change this url to point to your repo if you made customizations GIT_REPO="https://c0de.dev/c0de/dotfiles.git" DOTFILES=${HOME}/dotfiles DF_HOME=${DOTFILES}/home DF_CONFIG=${DF_HOME}/.config POSTINSTALL_SCRIPT=${HOME}/.dotfiles.postinst if [ ! -e "${POSTINSTALL_SCRIPT}" ]; then echo "No post install script found." echo "Optionally create one at ${POSTINSTALL_SCRIPT} and rerun this script" fi # Attempts to safely install the configs as symlinks (backing up existing ones) function symlink() { src=$1 dest=$2 if [ -e "${dest}" ]; then if [ -L "${dest}" ]; then # Already symlinked -- I'll assume correctly. return else # Rename files with a ".old" extension. echo "${dest} already exists, renaming to ${dest}.old" backup="${dest}.old" if [ -e "${backup}" ]; then echo "Error: $backup already exists. Please delete or rename it." exit 1 fi mv -v "${dest}" "${backup}" fi fi echo "Linking $(basename "${src}")..." ln -sf "${src}" "${dest}" } read -p "Press enter to install dotfiles " WAIT_FOR_INPUT # If the update script exists, try to do a normal update if [ -x "${DOTFILES}/check_for_upgrade.sh" ]; then source "${DF_HOME}/.environment" env _DOTFILES="${DOTFILES}" DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT=false zsh -f "${DOTFILES}/check_for_upgrade.sh" else echo "Cloning to ${DOTFILES}" rm -rf "${DOTFILES}" git clone --recurse-submodules -j$(nproc) "${GIT_REPO}" "${DOTFILES}" fi echo "Installing user binary directory to ~/bin" symlink "${DF_HOME}/bin" "${HOME}/bin" echo "Creating needed directories" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.tmux" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.vim/{autoload,bundle}" mkdir -p "${HOME}/dev" echo "Linking Configuration files..." # All the dotfiles that live in the home dir directly symlink "${DOTFILES}/.editorconfig" "${HOME}/.editorconfig" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.aliases" "${HOME}/.aliases" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.bashrc" "${HOME}/.bashrc" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.dmrc" "${HOME}/.dmrc" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.environment" "${HOME}/.environment" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.functions" "${HOME}/.functions" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.gitconfig" "${HOME}/.gitconfig" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.gtkrc.mine" "${HOME}/.gtkrc.mine" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0" "${HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.tmux.conf" "${HOME}/.tmux.conf" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.vimrc" "${HOME}/.vimrc" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.zshrc" "${HOME}/.zshrc" # Install ~/.config stuff symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/rofi" "${HOME}/.config/rofi" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/compton" "${HOME}/.config/compton" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/dunst" "${HOME}/.config/dunst" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/gtk-2.0" "${HOME}/.config/gtk-2.0" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/gtk-3.0" "${HOME}/.config/gtk-3.0" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/htop" "${HOME}/.config/htop" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/i3" "${HOME}/.config/i3" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/morc_menu" "${HOME}/.config/morc_menu" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/nitrogen" "${HOME}/.config/nitrogen" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/terminator" "${HOME}/.config/terminator" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/ranger" "${HOME}/.config/ranger" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/viewnior" "${HOME}/.config/viewnior" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/mimeapps.list" "${HOME}/.config/mimeapps.list" symlink "${DF_CONFIG}/Code/User/settings.json" "${HOME}/.config/Code/User/settings.json" echo "Installing Nord rofi theme" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/undiabler/nord-rofi-theme/master/nord.rasi -O "${HOME}/.config/rofi/themes/nord.rasi" echo "Installing Iceberg Icon pack..." # symlink "${DF_HOME}/.themes/oomox-iceberg" "${HOME}/.themes/oomox-iceberg" symlink "${DF_HOME}/.icons/oomox-iceberg" "${HOME}/.icons/oomox-iceberg" echo "Installing Nord GTK theme" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.themes/Nordic" wget https://github.com/EliverLara/Nordic/releases/download/v2.2.0/Nordic.tar.xz -O "${HOME}/.themes/Nordic.tar.xz" tar -xf "${HOME}/.themes/Nordic.tar.xz" -C "${HOME}/.themes/Nordic" echo "Building i3 configuration..." "${DF_HOME}/bin/build-i3-config" echo "Changing default shell to ZSH..." chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh echo "Installing Oh-My-ZSH..." CHSH='no' RUNZSH='no' KEEP_ZSHRC='yes' sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" #echo "Installing VSCode Extensions..." #cat "${DOTFILES}/vs_code_extensions.lst" | xargs -n 1 code --install-extension --force echo "Installing VIM Pathogen..." curl -LSs https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim -o "${HOME}/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim" echo "Installing VIM Plug" curl -fLo "${HOME}/.vim/autoload/plug.vim" --create-dirs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim echo "Installing VIM Sensible..." git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git "${HOME}/.vim/bundle/vim-sensible" echo "Installing VIM Better Whitespace..." git clone https://github.com/ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace.git "${HOME}/.vim/bundle/vim-better-whitespace" echo "Installing VIM Indent Guides..." git clone https://github.com/thaerkh/vim-indentguides.git "${HOME}/.vim/bundle/vim-indentguides" if [ -e "${POSTINSTALL_SCRIPT}" ]; then echo "Running post install..." "${POSTINSTALL_SCRIPT}" fi echo "Install done." echo "Log out and back in again for everything to take effect." } # Ensures that the whole script is downloaded before execution