# vim: filetype=yaml # This is an example configuration file for i3-dstatus. # # Make sure you are using a pango font by putting `pango:` before your i3 font # string to use the markup features --- general: generators: [ focused-window, scratchpad, playerctl, clipboard, netifaces, disk, battery, clock ] separator-block-width: 25 clock: format: '%h %d %H:%M' disk: '/': prefix: 'custom' format: '%free' clipboard: format: ' %text' focused-window: truncate-length: 100 netifaces: enp3s0: format-up: '%iface: %ip' format-down: '%iface: down' scratchpad: format: 'scratchpad: %classes' playerctl: format: '{{artist}} - {{title}}' check-http: sites: [ 'http://i3wm.org' ] interval: 600 format-up: '' format-down: '%site is down (status: %status, %reason)' github-repos: users: [ altdesktop ] interval: 600 format: '%stars ?%issues' battery: name: 'BAT0' # defaults to the first battery found format: '%name %percentage%'