# Skip all this for non-interactive shells [[ -z "$PS1" ]] && return # Force en_US UTF-8 environment export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 # Terminal Editor export EDITOR=vim # Paths export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin # Give the path to the dotfiles export _DOTFILES="${HOME}/dotfiles" # Allow checking for automatic updates export ENABLE_DOTFILES_AUTO_UPDATE=true # Set "true" to update without asking first export DISABLE_DOTFILES_UPDATE_PROMPT=false # Update every 2 weeks (OMZ default) export UPDATE_DOTFILES_DAYS=13 # Whether or not to automatically connect to a TMUX session when opening the shell #export ENABLE_TMUXAC=false # If there is not an active tmux session, we probably want one # Otherwise, the shell will not open the session again (eg. opening tabs, new terminals) #if $(tmux list-sessions >> /dev/null 2>&1); then # export TMUXATT=true #else # export TMUXATT=false #fi # Automatically attach tmux session "C0DE" #if [[ -z "$TMUX" && "$TMUXATT"==true && "$ENABLE_TMUXAC"==true ]]; then # tmux attach -t C0DE || tmux new -s C0DE #fi # Enable shell-history for interactive shells # https://github.com/pawamoy/shell-history #if [[ $- == *i* ]] && command -v shellhistory-location &>/dev/null; then # . $(shellhistory-location) # shellhistory enable #fi