#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 - David Todd (c0de@c0defox.es) # Licensed under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) """ This file contains the web server for a simple bookmarking application """ from bottle import Bottle, run, response, route, template from api import API _api = API() @route('/') def index(): return "This is the index" # I haven't figured out how to get these routes inside the API yet... @route('/save//<uri:path>') def save_bookmark(title, uri): return _api.save_bookmark(title, uri) @route('/getall') @route('/get/all') def get_all_bookmarks(): return _api.get_all_bookmarks() @route('/get/<bookmark_id>') def get_bookmark(bookmark_id): return _api.get_bookmark(bookmark_id) @route('/delete/<bookmark_id>') def delete_bookmark(bookmark_id): return _api.delete_bookmark(bookmark_id) @route('/update/title/<bookmark_id>/<title>') def update_bookmark_title(bookmark_id, title): return _api.update_bookmark_title(bookmark_id, title) @route('/update/uri/<bookmark_id>/<uri:path>') def update_bookmark_uri(bookmark_id, uri): return _api.update_bookmark_uri(bookmark_id, uri) if __name__ == '__main__': run(host='localhost', port=8080)