# A simple bookmarking engine This is a small python3 API and website that allows saving bookmarks into an SQLite3 database. The production environment will eventually be hosted at [save.c0de.link](https://save.c0de.link) ## Completed Features: * Database - Capable of any user-defined database file (multiple instances); Has Create/Read/Update/Delete methods for bookmarks ## Features In Progress: * API - About half of the features in the database have been implemented in the API (currently unauthenticated and unsanitized and everything is GET Requests) - Uses [Bottle](https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/) ## Upcoming Features (TODO): * Authentication - I'm thinking about using [Telethon](https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon) which will send me auth tokens, which would then be sent along with the request * Website UI - I want the website to be extremely easy to use. I plan on using [Bootstrap 4](https://getbootstrap.com/) with a style very similar to [lob.li](https://lob.li) * ~~API - Able to accept various HTTP methods (POST, GET for sure, possibly PUT and DELETE). This will interface with the database, and provide data sanitization. I'm planning on using [Bottle](https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/) to accomplish this~~ * Chrome Extension - This will allow exporting bookmarks from Chrome into this service, as well as quickly adding pages, most likely through a right click menu and by clicking on the icon * Firefox Extension - Everything the Chrome extension can do