# telegram-pusher This is some dumb thing that will take messages from telegram and relay through https://pusher.com to a web application. I've provided a simple PHP script that does a channel thing to show a "notification". On my Nexus 6P, if the phone is unlocked, and the page is still loaded while Chrome is in memory, the alert will bring the user to my notification page ## Getting Started * Clone this repo and enter it * $ `virtualenv venv` * $ `source venv/bin/activate` * $ `pip install -r requirements.txt` * Register with the Telegram Botfather (https://telegram.me/botfather) * Register with Pusher (https://pusher.com) * create set_env.sh with the following environment variables and fill them with the corrosponding values * telegram_token * pusher_appid * pusher_key * pusher_secret * $ `python pushtest.py` * On your web server, place the index.php file and allow it to get arguments * edit the index.php to have your pusher appid * send your bot `/start` to see if it responds ## Demo * Visit http://t.me/c0dePushNotifyBot and do /start * You will be given a link to https://dev.c0defox.es/push/?channel= * Send this link to people you want to recieve the notification * Post a message to the telegram bot IDK what will happen if you try to send a message to the bot without doing a /start first