# Spotipy - a Python client for The Spotify Web API ## Description Spotipy is a thin client library for the Spotify Web API. ## Documentation Spotipy's full documentation is online at [Spotipy Documentation](http://spotipy.readthedocs.org/) ## Installation If you already have [Python](http://www.python.org/) on your system you can install the library simply by downloading the distribution, unpack it and install in the usual fashion: python setup.py install You can also install it using a popular package manager with `pip install spotipy` or `easy_install spotipy` ## Dependencies - [Requests](https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests) - spotipy requires the requests package to be installed ## Quick Start To get started, simply install spotipy, reate a Spotify object and call methods: import spotipy sp = spotipy.Spotify() results = sp.search(q='weezer', limit=20) for i, t in enumerate(results['tracks']['items']): print ' ', i, t['name'] A full set of examples can be found in the [online documentation](http://spotipy.readthedocs.org/) and in the [Spotipy examples directory](https://github.com/plamere/spotipy/tree/master/examples). ## Reporting Issues If you have suggestions, bugs or other issues specific to this library, file them [here](https://github.com/plamere/spotipy/issues). Or just send me a pull request. ## Version - 1.0 - 04/05/2014 - Initial release - 1.1 - 05/18/2014 - Repackaged for saner imports - 1.4.1 - 06/17/2014 - Updates to match released API - 1.4.2 - 06/21/2014 - Added support for retrieving starred playlists - v1.40, June 12, 2014 -- Initial public release. - v1.42, June 19, 2014 -- Removed dependency on simplejson - v1.43, June 27, 2014 -- Fixed JSON handling issue - v1.44, July 3, 2014 -- Added show tracks.py example - v1.45, July 7, 2014 -- Support for related artists endpoint. Don't used cache auth codes when scope changes - v1.49, July 23, 2014 -- Support for "Your Music" tracks (add, delete, get), with examples - v1.50, August 14, 2014 -- Refactored util out of examples and into the main package - v1.301, August 19, 2014 -- Upgraded version number to take precedence over previously botched release (sigh) - v1.310, August 20, 2014 -- Added playlist replace and remove methods. Added auth tests. Improved API docs - v2.0 - August 22, 2014 -- Upgraded APIs and docs to make it be a real library - v2.0.2 - August 25, 2014 -- Moved to spotipy at pypi - v2.1.0 - October 25, 2014 -- Added support for new_releases and featured_playlists - v2.2.0 - November 15, 2014 -- Added support for user_playlist_tracks - v2.3.0 - January 5, 2015 -- Added session support added by akx. - v2.3.2 - March 31, 2015 -- Added auto retry logic - v2.3.3 - April 1, 2015 -- added client credential flow - v2.3.4 - April 28, 2015 -- Fixed bug in auto retry logic