import sys import spotipy ''' shows the albums and tracks for a given artist. ''' def get_artist(name): results ='artist:' + name, type='artist') items = results['artists']['items'] if len(items) > 0: return items[0] else: return None def show_album_tracks(album): tracks = [] results = sp.album_tracks(album['id']) tracks.extend(results['items']) while results['next']: results = tracks.extend(results['items']) for track in tracks: print ' ', track['name'] def show_artist_albums(id): albums = [] results = sp.artist_albums(artist['id'], album_type='album') albums.extend(results['items']) while results['next']: results = albums.extend(results['items']) print 'Total albums:', len(albums) unique = set() # skip duplicate albums for album in albums: name = album['name'] if not name in unique: print name unique.add(name) show_album_tracks(album) def show_artist(artist): print '====', artist['name'], '====' print 'Popularity: ', artist['popularity'] if len(artist['genres']) > 0: print 'Genres: ', ','.join(artist['genres']) if __name__ == '__main__': sp = spotipy.Spotify() sp.trace = False if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: {0} artist name'.format(sys.argv[0])) else: name = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) artist = get_artist(name) show_artist(artist) show_artist_albums(artist)