This repository is for anyone to create pull requests during Hacktoberfest 2018, with their name, code samples, etc. Any PRs outside of hacktoberfest will still be considered, but may not count towards your hacktofebest contributions. ## Contributing Please read our [contributing]( guidelines before making your pull request. ### How to Contribute This repository is built for the purpose of encouraging your contributions, big or small. **All** changes are considered, as long as they do not complicate the process for others. That said, suggest ways to contribute include: #### Your name on the * Fork the project. * Add your name to the using the example provided. * Commit and send a pull request. Bonus points for correctly named branches. #### A code sample * Fork the project. * Create a code sample under `/code` named .. I.e. `lukeoliff.js`, `lukeoliff.php` * Create a working hello world example inside your file. * Commit and send a pull request. Bonus points for correctly named branches. #### Anything else * Fork the project. * Make your change. * Commit and send a pull request. Bonus points for correctly named branches. ## Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ### Example Profile - I'm an example that you can copy, if you want :) - I work for... - My hobbies include... - [![twitter-alt][twitter-img]]( [![facebook-alt][facebook-img]]( [![google-img][google-img]]( [![tumblr-alt][tumblr-img]]( [![dribbble-alt][dribbble-img]]( [![github-alt][github-img]]( [twitter-alt]: Twitter [facebook-alt]: Facebook [google-alt]: Google+ [tumblr-alt]: Tumblr [dribbble-alt]: Dribbble [github-alt]: GitHub [twitter-img]: [facebook-img]: [google-img]: [tumblr-img]: [dribbble-img]: [github-img]: