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synced 2024-12-22 04:32:40 +00:00
I had the arguments for switchDateRange reversed, dateRange should be the second argument Now our error checking ifs at the beginning of the main functions will detect if they're None and the Interperter shouldn't trackback when neglecting to add arguments
417 lines
18 KiB
417 lines
18 KiB
# Imports first
# This is the sdk found at https://github.com/timotheus/ebaysdk-python
from ebaysdk.trading import Connection as Trading
from ebaysdk.exception import ConnectionError, ConnectionResponseError
# Parallel requires Gevent and Grequests modules to be available on the server (requires at least 2.7.5)
from ebaysdk.parallel import Parallel
import datetime
import csv
# Application Settings
app_id = ''
dev_id = ''
crt_id = ''
domain = 'api.sandbox.ebay.com'
# User Identification
usr_token = ''
# CSV file data
csv_path = ''
csv_delimiter = ','
csv_quote = '\''
# Creates a dateRange list for use with glue
def setDateRange(days=None, start=None, rangeType=None):
# Default to searching for listings ending today
if days == None:
days = 0
days = int(days)
except ValueError:
days = 0
if rangeType == None:
rangeType = 'end'
rangeType = str(rangeType)
# This shouldn't happen, but you never know users
except ValueError:
rangeType = 'end'
if start == None:
# Begin the search at the current timestamp
today = datetime.datetime.today()
elif type(start) == 'datetime.datetime':
today = start
elif type(start) == 'str':
# Try to cast the string to the datetime type
today = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
except ValueError:
# The string wasn't valid to become a datetime, set to today
today = datetime.datetime.today()
today = datetime.datetime.today()
# Set the days argument to search forward more than one day
delta = datetime.timedelta(days)
# End the search at the future timestamp
future = today+delta
# Convert our dates into a format that ebay can recognize (ISO 8601)
today = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
# Force the future to be the absolute end of the day
future = future.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT23:59:59.999Z")
# If we want to manipulate either today or future, the following converts from a string back into a datetime object
# datetime.datetime.strptime(today, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
return {'from': today, 'to': future, 'type': rangeType}
# We call this a couple times, so it gets its own function
def switchDateRange(list=None, range=None):
# Switch statement to check which type of dateRange to search by
# This can be start/mod/end
def rangeType(condition):
# Cast the condition to a string
condition = str(condition)
switch = {
'start': 'Start', # Covers StartTimeFrom and StartTimeTo - Items that started in this date range
'mod': 'Mod', # Covers ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo - Items modified in this date range
'end': 'End' # Covers EndTimeFrom and EndTimeTo - Items that end within this date range
# Return the approiate text or End if no ID matches
return switch.get(condition, 'End')
# Override the dates in sellerList with values from dateRange, if provided
if ('from' in range) & ('type' in range):
# Remove the list of keys from sellerList - We can only have one search range
for o in ['EndTimeFrom','ModTimeFrom','StartTimeFrom']:
del list[o]
except KeyError:
list[rangeType(range['type'])+'TimeFrom'] = range['from']
if ('to' in range) & ('type' in range):
# Remove the list of keys from sellerList - We can only have one search range
for o in ['EndTimeTo','ModTimeTo','StartTimeTo']:
del list[o]
except KeyError:
list[rangeType(range['type'])+'TimeTo'] = range['to']
return list
# Here are the error codes that we currently have
# None - No events have happened yet
# 0 - Everything is fine
# 1 - The API variable is either unset, or is not a valid connection to the ebay API
# 2 - The required list is either unset, or is not the required type - Usually dict, but can be a list of dicts
# 3 - EndTimeFrom or EndTimeTo were not set in the list - getSeller only
# 4 - Relates to 3, but specifically refers to a dateRange not being available for glue
# 5 - No data (useful) returned by API - A field of data we need is None
# minor logic checking - We don't want to get trackbacks for silly reasons
# getSeller gets a list of our itemIDs
def getSeller(api=None, list=None):
# api is the connection to the Trading API
# list is a dict containing required information for ebay to search for (http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/Reference/ebay/GetSellerEvents.html)
# - The datapoints that MUST be defined are EndTimeFrom and EndTimeTo - These select the dateRange that items end on ebay
# Set our error conditions
res = { 'error': { 'code': None, 'msg': None, 'fnc': 'getSeller' }, 'apiResponse': {} }
if api == None:
res['error']['code'] = '1'
res['error']['msg'] = 'api is not set'
return res
if (list == None) | (isinstance(list, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'list doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
if ('EndTimeFrom' not in list) | ('EndTimeTo' not in list):
res['error']['code'] = '3'
res['error']['msg'] = 'either "EndTimeFrom" or "EndTimeTo" is not set in list'
return res
# run the actual command
apiResponse = api.execute('GetSellerEvents', list)
# Store the response in a dict and unset response
res['apiResponse'] = apiResponse.dict()
apiResponse = None
# Verify that the search returned information
if res['apiResponse']['ItemArray'] != None:
# Check if the itemArray is setup the way we want it (list containing one or more dicts)
for k in res['apiResponse']['ItemArray']['Item']:
itemid = k['ItemID']
except TypeError:
# The itemArray is not, force it to be then
res['apiResponse'] = [ res['apiResponse']['ItemArray']['Item'] ]
# No need to encase the list in another list
res['apiResponse'] = res['apiResponse']['ItemArray']['Item']
# Yay no errors
if res['error']['code'] == None:
res['error']['code'] = '0'
# drop the response as it contains no useful information anymore
res['apiResponse'] = {}
res['error']['code'] = '5'
res['error']['msg'] = 'no items found - maybe the dateRange is too narrow?'
return res
# getItems uses the list of ItemIDs provided by getSeller to get specific information about each ItemID
def getItems(api=None, itemList=None, itemArgs=None):
# api is the connection to the Trading API
# itemList is a dict containing ItemIDs and other info as a result of getSeller
# itemArgs is an optional dict that contains extra details to refine the search returned by ebay (http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/Reference/ebay/GetItem.html)
# - The two required datapoints in itemArgs are IncludeItemSpecifics and ItemID, both are defined below in the loop
# Set our error conditions
res = { 'error': { 'code': None, 'msg': None, 'fnc': 'getItems' }, 'apiResponse': {} }
if api == None:
res['error']['code'] = '1'
res['error']['msg'] = 'api is not set'
return res
if (itemList == None) | (type(itemList) != type([])):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'itemList doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be list containing one or more dicts'
return res
if (itemArgs == None) | (isinstance(itemArgs, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'itemArgs doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
# For each ItemID
for k in itemList:
# Extra arguments that should be applied anyways
itemArgs['IncludeItemSpecifics'] = 'True'
# Search for specific ItemID
itemArgs['ItemID'] = k['ItemID']
# If the Item is not active, we don't want it - Prevents sending extra API resquests for data we don't want
if(k['SellingStatus']['ListingStatus'] != 'Active'):
response = api.execute('GetItem', itemArgs)
res['apiResponse'][k['ItemID']] = response.dict()
#res['apiResponse'] = { k['ItemID']: response.dict() }
response = None
# We want the error code to only be changed on the first successful iteration
if res['error']['code'] == None:
res['error']['code'] = '0'
# After the loop is complete, return the whole res
return res
# Use the modTime range and only return data for items that have been modified in the timerange
# Args we want are the modTime and NewItemFilter=True to get only items that have changed in this timerange
def checkRevisedItems(api=None, itemArgs=None, dateRange=None):
# api is the connection to the Trading API
# itemList is a list containing itemIDs to check for updates
# itemArgs is an optional dict that contains extra details to refine the search returned by ebay
res = { 'error': { 'code': None, 'msg': None, 'fnc': 'checkRevisedItems' }, 'apiResponse': {} }
if api == None:
res['error']['code'] = '1'
res['error']['msg'] = 'api is not set'
return res
if (itemArgs == None) | (isinstance(itemArgs, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'itemArgs doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
if (dateRange == None) | (isinstance(dateRange, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'dateRange doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
itemArgs['NewItemFilter'] = 'True'
# Switch statement to select the proper dateRange
itemArgs = switchDateRange(itemArgs, dateRange)
response = api.execute('GetSellerEvents', itemArgs)
for i in itemList:
# storeItems uses the dict of Items provided by getItems and stores the information we want
def storeItems(itemList=None):
# itemList is the apiRequest value presented as a result of getItems
# - This contains every item that matches getItems criteria with the ItemID as the key of further dicts
# Set our error conditions
res = { 'error': { 'code': None, 'msg': None, 'fnc': 'storeItems' }, 'apiResponse': {} }
if (itemList == None) | (isinstance(itemList, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'itemList doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
# Now that we've stored all the data in a really big dictionary, lets pull only the information we want out of it
for k in itemList:
res['apiResponse'][k] = { 'price': {}, 'condition': {}, 'quantity': {} }
condition = '0'
# Switch statement - Sets condition.msg based on conditionID - based on table from http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/finding/callref/Enums/conditionIdList.html
def conCheck(condition):
# Cast the condition to a string
condition = str(condition)
switch = {
'1000': 'New',
'1500': 'New Other',
'1750': 'New with defects',
'2000': 'Manufacturer Refurbished',
'2500': 'Seller Refurbished',
'3000': 'Used',
'4000': 'Used/Very Good Condition',
'5000': 'Used/Good Condition',
'6000': 'Used/Acceptable Condition',
'7000': 'For Parts/Not Working'
# Return the approiate text or N/A if no ID matches
return switch.get(condition, 'N/A')
res['apiResponse'][k]['title'] = itemList[k]['Item']['Title']
if 'ConditionID' in itemList[k]['Item']:
# Override the condition defined at the start of the loop
condition = itemList[k]['Item']['ConditionID']
if 'SellingStatus' in itemList[k]['Item']:
# Store current price + currency the price is in
res['apiResponse'][k]['price']['cur'] = itemList[k]['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice']['_currencyID']
res['apiResponse'][k]['price']['val'] = itemList[k]['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice']['value']
# Store the quantity - Subtract sold from total to get current value
res['apiResponse'][k]['quantity']['sold'] = itemList[k]['Item']['SellingStatus']['QuantitySold']
res['apiResponse'][k]['quantity']['total'] = itemList[k]['Item']['Quantity']
res['apiRequest'][k]['price']['cur'] = None
res['apiRequest'][k]['price']['val'] = None
res['apiRequest'][k]['quantity']['sold'] = None
res['apiRequest'][k]['quantity']['total'] = None
# Get the item specifics - Special fields pertaining to the item, such as manufacturer and part number
if 'ItemSpecifics' in itemList[k]['Item']:
# Try to for loop our data, if that fails, assume it's a dict with only one ItemSpecific
for i in itemList[k]['Item']['ItemSpecifics']['NameValueList']:
name = i['Name']
if(name == 'Brand'):
res['apiResponse'][k]['mfg'] = i['Value']
if(name == 'MPN'):
res['apiResponse'][k]['mpn'] = i['Value']
except TypeError:
if itemList[k]['Item']['ItemSpecifics']['NameValueList']['Name'] == 'Brand':
res['apiResponse'][k]['mfg'] = itemList[k]['Item']['ItemSpecifics']['NameValueList']['Value']
res['apiResponse'][k]['mpn'] = None
elif itemList[k]['Item']['ItemSpecifics']['NameValueList']['Name'] == 'MPN':
res['apiResponse'][k]['mpn'] = itemList[k]['Item']['ItemSpecifics']['NameValueList']['Value']
res['apiResponse'][k]['mfg'] = None
res['apiResponse'][k]['mpn'] = None
res['apiResponse'][k]['mfg'] = None
# Store the condition
res['apiResponse'][k]['condition']['code'] = condition
res['apiResponse'][k]['condition']['msg'] = conCheck(condition)
# We want the error code to only be changed on the first successful iteration
if res['error']['code'] == None:
res['error']['code'] = '0'
# After the loop is complete, return the whole res
return res
# Glue logic to run all the functions above properly
def glue(api=None, sellerList=None, dateRange=None):
# api is the connection to the api, this is passed to the functions as called
# sellerList is the options that you can present ebay for searching (http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/Reference/ebay/GetSellerEvents.html)
# dateRange overrides EndTimeFrom and EndTimeTo from sellerList for ease of passing these required data with nothing else
# Set our error conditions
res = { 'error': { 'code': '0', 'msg': None, 'fnc': 'glue' }, 'apiResponse': {} }
if api == None:
res['error']['code'] = '1'
res['error']['msg'] = 'api is not set'
return res
if (sellerList == None) | (isinstance(sellerList, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'itemList doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
if (dateRange == None) | (isinstance(dateRange, dict) != True):
res['error']['code'] = '2'
res['error']['msg'] = 'dateRange doesn\'t exist or is of wrong type, must be dict'
return res
# Switch statement to select the proper dateRange
sellerList = switchDateRange(sellerList, dateRange)
seller = getSeller(api, sellerList)
if seller['error']['code'] == '0':
sellerList = seller['apiResponse']
seller = None # Unset any data we no-longer need - Saves on memory
items = getItems(api, sellerList)
if items['error']['code'] == '0':
sellerList = items['apiResponse']
items = storeItems(sellerList)
storedItems = items['apiResponse']
items = None
return storedItems
res['error'] = items['error']
return res
res['error'] = seller['error']
return res
p = Parallel()
api = Trading(domain=domain, appid=app_id, devid=dev_id, certid=crt_id, token=usr_token, config_file=None, debug=False, parellel=p)
# Example usage, returns a dict containing all items of interst (based on the functions above)
itemData = glue(api=api, sellerList={}, dateRange=setDateRange())
itemlist = []
# Write a CSV file containing some of the data we're interested in
with open(csv_path, 'wb') as csvfile:
Part Number Manufacturer Condition Price Quantity Description
fieldnames = ['Part Number', 'Manufacturer', 'Condition', 'Price', 'Quantity', 'Description']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=csv_delimiter, quotechar=csv_quote, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for i in itemData:
data = {
'Part Number': i['mpn'],
'Manufacturer': i['mfg'],
'Condition': i['condition']['msg'],
'Price': i['price']['val']+' '+i['price']['cur'],
'Quantity': str(int(i['quantity']['total'])-int(i['quantity']['sold'])),
'Description': i['title']
# Store the itemIDs so that we can use them to check which ones were modified
except ConnectionError as e:
print(e) |