SHELL := /bin/bash BASEDIR=$(CURDIR) PLUGINDIR=$(BASEDIR)/plugins PELICANDIR=$(BASEDIR)/pelican help: @echo 'Makefile for installing and updating the blog ' @echo ' ' @echo 'Usage: ' @echo ' make install Installs all components ' @echo ' make uninstall Uninstalls all components, leaving the source dir ' @echo ' make update Replaces existing components that have changed ' @echo ' make plugins Creates symlinks of newly added plugins in pelican ' @echo ' ' install: @echo 'noop' @virtualenv venv @source venv/bin/activate @pip install -r requirements.txt plugins uninstall: @echo 'noop' update: @echo 'noop' @git submodule update --recursive --remote @source venv/bin/activate @pip install -r requirements.txt plugins plugins: @echo 'Creating symlinks for plugins' @echo 'noop'