# ERP Contact Import Tool # This utility fixes the contacts csv file for importing into the ERP # Specifically this utility is for the step of replacing the company names with their export_ids after the companies have been imported # Copyright (c) 2016 David Todd (alopexc0de) https://c0defox.es # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. import csv import os import re # Change these paths to reflect your needs config = { 'partner_path': 'C:\\Users\\dtodd\\Desktop\\res.partner (2).csv', # This is the csv file containing two columns, id and name 'import_path': 'C:\\Users\\dtodd\\Desktop\\To Import\\MN Companies-50 FTE-HQ one (contacts) Campaign.csv', # This is the csv file containing whatever needs to be imported 'temp_path': 'C:\\Users\\dtodd\\Desktop\\temp', # This is a csv file that will be deleted on program completion 'column_to_change': 'parent_id/id' # This is the name of the column that you want to change } # Find the index number of a column in a row and return that def find_index(row=None, col=None): if ((row == None) | (col == None)) | ((type(row) != '' | type(col) != ''): raise ValueError('find_index requires both row and col to be set to strings') exit(1) index = None for i,j in enumerate(row): if j == col: index = i break return index os.rename(config['import_path'], config['import_path']+'.orig') # Store the original import_path in a backup file with open(config['partner_path'], 'r') as partner_csv: reader = csv.reader(partner_csv) first_row = next(reader) if ('id' not in first_row) | ('name' not in first_row): raise IndexError('Either \'id\' or \'name\' is not defined in your partner_path csv file') exit(1) id = find_index(first_row, 'id') name = find_index(first_row, 'name') if (id == None) | (name == None): raise ValueError('Either id or name could not be indexed with find_index') exit(1) partner_ids = {rows[id]:rows[name] for rows in reader} # Build a dict containing the company names as the keys and the __export__IDs as values reader = None # Open both the import_csv and temp_csv files with open(config['import_path'], 'r') as import_csv, open(config['temp_path'], 'w') as temp_csv: reader = csv.reader(import_csv) writer = csv.writer(temp_csv) first_row = next(reader) if config['column_to_change'] not in first_row: raise IndexError('\'{}\' is not defined in your import_path csv file').format(config['column_to_change']) exit(1) col = find_index(first_row, config['column_to_change']) if col != None: for lines in reader: # Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2400577/5727514 and modified to support what I need pattern = re.compile('|'.join(partner_ids.keys())) lines[col] = pattern.sub(lambda x: partner_ids[x.group()], lines[col]) writer.writerow(lines) else: raise ValueError('col could not be indexed with find_index') exit(1) # Close our files to be nice to the OS temp_csv.close() import_csv.close() partner_csv.close() # On program completion, move the temp file to the original file os.rename(config['temp_path'], config['import_path'])