\n"; echo "
- ".$_SESSION['img']."
echo " - ".$_SESSION['type']."
echo " - ".$_SESSION['size']."
echo " - ".$_SESSION['time']."
echo " - ";
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
echo "$username"; // For future use - catagorize by username
echo "
echo " - ".$_SESSION['comment']."
echo " - ";
$tags = $_SESSION['tags'];
$tags = explode(" ", $tags);
foreach($tags as $tag){
echo "$tag "; // For future use - catagorize by tag
echo "
echo "";
function noimg(){ // Shown in place of the image if one isn't available
$thethumbs = '';
if($thumbs = opendir('thumbs')){
while(false != ($fiel = readdir($thumbs))){
// Test if thumbnail exists if not show nothumb.png
if($fiel != "." && $fiel != ".." && $fiel != ".htaccess"){
$thethumbs .= "-".$fiel;
echo "
Please specify an image with the url:
img.unps-gama.info/?img=(IMGAGE STUFF HERE)