Server Status:
+ Unable to reach server";
+ } else {
+ $out = "\xFE"; // Hex needed for server info
+ fwrite($fp, $out);
+ while (!feof($fp)) {
+ $result .= fgets($fp, 128);
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ // Remove extra spaces between characters
+ $result = str_replace("\x00", "", $result);
+ $result = str_replace("\x1A", "", $result);
+ $result = str_replace("\xFF", "", $result);
+ $srvinfo = explode("\xA7",$result);
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "Server: " . $ip . " on port: " . $port . " is: ";
+ include('testserver.php');
+ $status = GetServerStatus($ip, $port);
+ if ($status=="ONLINE") echo "" . $status . " |
+ if ($status=="OFFLINE") echo "" . $status . "\n";
+ echo "motd: " . $srvinfo[0] . " |
+ echo "players online: " . $srvinfo[1] . " |
+ echo "max players: " . $srvinfo[2] . " |
+ }
+ ?>
Poll - I'm planing on doing a custom map for a short time, who votes yes, who votes no and if you're yes tell me what map please
+ unhide('minecraft');hide('home');hide('about');hide('contact');
Thanks for voting!
+ //echo "Voter: ".$uniqueid." Of IP: ".$voterip.", has voted ".$choice." and their map is: ".$map."\r\n\r\n";
+ }if($choice == "" || $uniqueid == "" || $voterip == ""){
+ echo "
Something's not right here... Try using the poll again
+ }
+ }
+ ?>