if($_POST["submit"]){// If submit button was pressed...
if(isset($_POST['dest'])){// If the text box has something in it
$dest=$_POST['dest'];// Pull that into a variable
$dest=input($dest);// Clean the variable for mysql
$sql="SELECT id, link, shortlink FROM $tbl_name WHERE link='$dest'";// Check the table if the link was posted before
$result=mysql_query($sql);// mysql stuff
$count=mysql_num_rows($result);// Count the rows returned, if any
if($count==1){// If a row is returned, there should only be one
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){// Pull all the data from the returned row
$id=$row['id'];// Lets get the id - not used, just a number used to identify the link or something, it's unique
$link=$row['link'];// This is the full link
$short=$row['shortlink'];// This is the short link - Should be a unique number
echo"From what I can tell, this particular link was already shortened before.<br>Here's the link: <a href=\"http://unps.us/?l=$short\"target=\"$short\">http://unps.us/?l=$short</a>"; // Return link that's already in table
}else{// If no row is returned, it is assumed that the link isn't there
if(strpos(strtolower($dest),'http://')===false){// Simple test to see if http:// not part of the link
if(strpos(strtolower($dest),'https://')===false){// Simple test to see if https:// not part of the link passing the above check
$ip=gethostbyname($dest);// Get IP address of link
$dest='http://'.$dest;// Add http:// to link
if(strpos(strtolower($dest),'http://')!==false){// Simple test to see if http:// is part of the link
if(strpos(strtolower($dest),'https://')!==false){// Simple test to see if https:// is part of the link failing the above check
$dest=str_replace("https://","",$dest);// If https:// exists, remove it
$ip=gethostbyname($dest);// Get IP address of link
$dest='https://'.$dest;// Re-add https:// to link
$dest=str_replace("http://","",$dest);// if http:// exists, remove it
$ip=gethostbyname($dest);// Get IP address of link
$dest='http://'.$dest;// Re-add http:// to link
if(GetServerStatus($ip,80)!="online")die("Hmmm it seems that your link is dead.\r\nPlease try again");// Check to see if the host is alive
$short=substr(number_format(time()*rand(),0,'',''),0,10);// Create a random number 10 digits long
$short=base_convert($short,10,36);// Convert the 10 digit random number into Base36
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (link, shortlink) VALUES ('$dest', '$short')";// Try to add the link and short link into table
$result=mysql_query($sql);// mysql stuff
if($result){// If the link is added to the table
echo"It appears that I have succeded in making a short link.<br>You'll find it here: <a href=\"http://unps.us/?l=$short\"target=\"$short\">http://unps.us/?l=$short</a>";
}else{// If the link is not added to the table
echo"There was a problem trying to register your link - Could be a database error";