$sql="SELECT id, link, shortlink FROM $tbl_name WHERE link='$dest'";
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){// Attempt to pull all data concerning that one user from table
echo"From what I can tell, this particular link was already shortened before.<br>Here's the link: <a href=\"http://unps.us/?l=$short\">http://unps.us/?l=$short</a>";
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (link, shortlink) VALUES ('$dest', '$short')";
echo"It appears that I have succeded in making a short link.<br>You'll find it here: <a href=\"http://unps.us/?l=$short\">http://unps.us/?l=$short</a>";
echo"There was a problem trying to register your link - Could be a database error";