var app = angular.module('MyApp', ['ngMaterial','tableSort',]).controller('logviewer', function($scope, $http, $mdDialog){ var tmp = []; var list = '[[bigData]]'; // Pull in information provided by bottle's template engine data = list.replace(/"/g, '"'); // For some reason the quotes become HTMLescaped when retrieved from bottle, replace those with normal quotes data = JSON.parse(data); // Our data is already JSON, but it acts as a string before this stage data.forEach(function(d){ // Rearrange Cisco's weird date format to something Javascript can understand and convert it to UNIX time // First 17 characters are the time including timezone // Remaining characters are the date // This moves the first 17 characters to after a space d.connect = Date.parse(d.connect.slice(17) + ' ' + d.connect.slice(0, 17)); d.disconnect = Date.parse(d.disconnect.slice(17) + ' ' + d.disconnect.slice(0, 17)); tmp.push(d); }); $ = [ 'originate', 'answer' ]; $scope.getfiltered = function(){ $ = []; var tmpdata = []; var thedata = tmp; // Use date-corrected data from the above data.forEach thedata.forEach(function(d){ if (!$scope.query.username && !$scope.query.origin && !$scope.query.from && !${ // no query tmpdata = tmp; } else if (d.username.indexOf($scope.query.username) != -1 && $scope.query.username != ''){ // the user searched for a specific username tmpdata.push(d); } else if (d.origin.indexOf($scope.query.origin) != -1 && $scope.query.origin != ''){ // the user searched for a specific origin (either originate or answer) tmpdata.push(d); } else if (d.calling.indexOf($scope.query.from) != -1 && $scope.query.from != ''){ // the user searched for a specific caller tmpdata.push(d); } else if (d.called.indexOf($ != -1 && $ != ''){ // the user searched for a specific callee tmpdata.push(d); } }); // Remove any duplicates tmpdata.forEach(function(d){ if($ === -1){ $; } }); }; $scope.resetquery = function(){ // Sets the query to default blank state $scope.query = { username: '', origin: '', from: '', to: '', }; }; $scope.resetquery(); $scope.$watch('query', $scope.getfiltered, true); // Automatically search after the debounce is over });